Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Rice Says It's Time for U.S. to Push Diplomacy

"Our interaction with the rest of the world must be a conversation, not a monologue."

As I sit here drinking my (decaf) Freedom roast coffee with my order of Freedom toast, thinking about getting a Freedom manicure later today, and reading this Reuters' headline, I can't help but think..."How French!" Too bad no one thought about this a few years ago...before we got into a war. I think Joe Biden got it right when he responded, "Despite our great military might we are in my view more alone in the world than we've been in any time in recent memory. The time for diplomacy, in my view, is long overdue."

I guess I should be happy that at least a small step is seemingly being taken in the correct direction; however, it's hard not to empathise with those who have lost a loved one or are living lives crippled (and I'm not just talking physical injuries) by this war. It's hard not to wonder who's actually profiting from this war; with the economy in a defict, it's definitely not the American people. It's hard not to wonder where in the bible our leaders are finding their justification for this war. Even from a basic playground point of view, it's hard not to wonder when a teacher is finally going to make their way over to break up this fight.

Hopefully, as this new year starts off, maybe our government is finally tired of fighting over nothing. Maybe we can now focus our energies on homeland issues. It's easy to be a Mrs. Kravitz and get too involved in what our neighbors are doing; it's a whole lot harder to turn inward and try to solve the problems which plague our own homes.

Okay, enough of the ranting. It's not something I do often but I couldn't help it when I saw this article.

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