Saturday, January 20, 2007

Always funny...

Always funny
Kicks in the crotch (to other people, of course) and men in drag. Let that be a lesson to you, kid. (Geez! I need to dust my TV.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Critic meets The Brusher

The CriticLately, bath time has not been Parker's favorite time. However, he does love to go into the bathroom and play at the sink...especially since we got him a step stool.

Like everyone, Parker can't help but be a bit critical of his image. (If only he realized how cute he looks when he scrutinizes himself.)Brusher

Once he's done checking himself out he gets to work brushing things -- his teeth, his hair, even the mirror. And, of course, all these tasks require a ton of water...all over the place.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Jasmine & Disneyland

Jasmine & Dland Jasmine & DlandWhat? Jasmine has never been to Disneyland? Well we have to fix that situation. (Mainly because I work for the mouse and can get into the park for free.)

On our way, Jasmine entertained us with her skills on the dry erase board. The first image is of me. Who knew my legs were so long and thin. Very flattering! Parker, on the other hand, wasn't too impressed with his portrait. Evidently, he wanted something a bit more serious, less smiley.

Mickey Who? Woody Who:?Now yes, Parker's been to Disneyland on several occasion but, believe it or not, he had never met Mickey. So we headed over to Toontown, waiting in line and got our picture taken with the famous guy. Once again, Parker wasn't too impressed. I guess he looks shorter in real life.

We also met Woody, but, having never watched Toy Story, Parker was clueless. Judging by the expression on his face, he must think Woody's a bit weird. (It is a weird half costumed character, half actor hybrid.)

Jasmine & Dland Jasmine & DlandWhile we were in Toontown, we also caught up with Minnie Mouse and Pluto. Okay, the truth is we were stalking Minnie but it was all for Jasmine -- who looks like she fell asleep but really, unlike Parker, she was jazzed to see Minnie As for Pluto, ideally I wanted this to be a pic of just Jasmine and Parker with Pluto but Parker was not working from the same playbook.

Jasmine & DlandAt the end of the day, Parker could care less about Disneyland, Mickey, Minnie, and (yes Thommy) even Pluto. What he enjoyed most about this day was spending time with Jasmine, especially sliding down the slide in Toontown with her.

BTW, you wouldn't think it but going to Disneyland on MLK Monday was surprisingly very nice. Not over crowded at all. Bonus!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

No More High Chair

Big BoyBig BoyThat's right, Ladies and Gents. No more high chair for Parker. And this guy has no regrets -- which he makes quite clear with his spoon salute.

Big BoyBig BoySpeaking of spoon...did you notice the big guy spoon! Of course, there are times when one must ditch the spoon and dig right in. Now most people wouldn't think eating cereal would be one of those times but Parker, evidently, disagrees.

Big BoyBig BoyYUM! One meal down and many more to go.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daycare Anecdote

There was a wonderful moment with Parker and Tereza (one of the daycare teachers) today. Parker was grabbing her head and giving her kisses on her cheeks. It was adorable.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

This little chair...

We went to Ikea yesterday and got a bunch of furniture -- a bookcase for Chris, a desk for me, and a few items for Parker, including chairs that are just his size.

Just RightThis morning, Chris and Parker worked together to build the two new chairs.

After all their hard work, Parker enjoys the fruits of his (and Chris') labors. Mmmmm...this little chair is just right.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Daycare Anecdote

Parker has been saying a lot of words today such as yellow, bird, bus and car. It has been the most I have heard him say.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Daycare Anectode

We let the children on the climbing structure for the first time today. Parker really enjoyed it. He first needed to hold both of my hands to go down the slide. At the end of our yard time, he was comfortable holding one of my hands. He was very excited the whole time.