Thursday, February 24, 2005

Testing in Progress

Completed the ultrasond. Parker's doing fine. Just being uncooperative (not posing properly for the equipment), as usual. Our inutero fluid levels is at 9 (compared to the previous 6 to 7) so that's good news. Ideally, we should be at10 or higher, though.

That said, Parker's gained an ounce this week...putting him at 6lb 4oz.

Right now, I'm at the hospital, taking another non-stress test. Parker has a good heartbeat. Now we just need to count his movements. So far, though, he's still being uncooperative.

"Come on, Parker. Give a kick for mama."

1 comment:

  1. Impressive that you can post at the hospital! Come on Parker! You can do it! Give her a good one in the ribs! Glad you're at a gymnastics, that's nearly perfect. Whoo hoo. Now, maybe I'll have to rethink this whole March 1 thing....
