Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Difference Between Mom & Dad

Okay Parker…Lesson One -- How to tell your parents apart. Your dad -- very tactile. He loves to experience things first hand. Your mom, on the other hand, pretty much accepts things and moves on.

Case in point, we were diving together on our way to our CPA (something you don’t have to worry about for many years to come). It’s been raining heavy for the last week but luckily the weather lightened up for our trip “into town”. On the radio we heard about a gigantic bolder – estimated at 30 feet in diameter -- that’s now blocking PCH.

Upon hearing that I mentally visualized what that would mean and thought, “Wow, that’s pretty big.” Then I continued to listen to the radio.

Five minutes later, your father exclaimed. “I can’t stop thinking about that fucking boulder. It would be at least as tall as that tree. That’s fucking huge!” A smile stretched across his face and he was giddy like a little girl. “I really want to go out there and take a look at it.” He shook his head in amazement. “At that size would it still be considered a boulder? There should be another word for it. I mean a boulder would be the size of my truck. But that boulder's fucking huge!”

You see, if it were possible, your father would not only want to see the boulder. Knowing him, he would have to touch, smell, and taste it. After which, he would still laugh out and shake his head in disbelief.

I would probably be standing at his side for the mere fact that…well, we spent the time to drive out there. Might as well take a look. Unless it’s raining, of course; then I would probably hang out in the car, where it was nice and dry.

1 comment:

  1. You should've gone. I remember when that plane drove through the barrier at the Burbank airport and was sitting across Hollywood Way...missed opportunity.
