Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It was a dark and (not so) stormy night...

BTW, weird thing happened as I was arriving home. Turning into my dirt road, the pick-up truck ahead of me made some weird maneuver, backed up, and followed me down the dirt road. Hmmm…I thought, looks like one of the neighbors passed the turn off.

Then I turned at the fork in the road to the smaller dirt road that either takes you to my house or our neighbor’s. Hmmm…could that be Ralph or Beverly in that pick-up? Maybe their son.

I passed the second and last turn-off to their house and noticed that truck still following me. Hmmm…that doesn’t looks like Chris’ headlights. I better try to call him on the cell phone. No answer.

Now before I continue, let me just say, obviously, everything’s fine because I’m writing this entry after the fact…but let me just say I was soooooo relieved to see Chris’ truck as I neared the top of the driveway. I was not alone.

Parking my car, I got out and confronted the driver. He apologized for scaring me. He thought I was his friend that he was following…and evidently lost…on Angeles Forest Highway. I let him use my cell phone to try to reach his friend (no answer) and pointed him back in the right direction to get back to the main road and back to Palmdale. (Uh…just turn around, follow the road, at the fork go right and at the paved road go left.)

Phew! Next time, though, I’m taking that second turn to my neighbor’s house and will pray that someone’s home…just in case Chris isn’t.


  1. Ok seriously, that is FREAKY! could they think that you were their friend? Is your car EXACTLY the same as theirs (dust and all?!). That just seems really really really really odd.

    I'm glad you're not dead.

  2. That IS weird. And scary. I love it. Formulating idea... yes. Got it.

    Oh, and I'm glad you're okay, too. We have lots of writing to do. :-)

    PS: I got past the placenta, can deal with all the breastfeeding talk, but inverted nipples? "Dimi, why you do this to me?"
