Monday, March 14, 2005

Postpartum Parents

Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Here's shot of us on our last day at the hospital. Three nights later and Parker has only been difficult 1 out of the 3. Actually, last night I was the one waking him up to eat when he needed to. (Payback!) I'm also happy to report that Chris has become a champ at diaper changing, which is good because after an hour of feeding it's nice to hand Parker off to Chris to finish job. (Yeah baby! Two against one. I know it's unfair but you're just going to have to get used to it.)

Heath wise, when we left the hospital, Parker's bilirubin count was a bit high. ("Bilirubin is formed from the body's normal breakdown of red blood cells, and it is usually cleared very quickly from the blood. Newborns tend to have higher bilirubin levels because their immature liver is not a very good at removing it, and they produce more of it than the liver can handle."*) This buildup leads to jaundice. We have our first pediatrician appointment today. **fingers crossed** Let's hope his levels have gone down.

*from "Caring For Your Baby and Young Child"


  1. Ooooh - if Parker goes under the lights, you will definitely have to find some sci-fi music to place next to him as his theme song. I'm personally a fan of the ET music. hee hee.

  2. Are you going to buy him a tangerine speedo?
