Friday, July 21, 2006

War on Terror-ible Diseases

So Bush finally made the first veto of his presidency and that was on a bill for stem cell research -- allowing unused embryos to be used for research rather than be destroyed -- cementing his legacy as a complete idiot.

I love John Stewart's juxtaposition of how Bush "doesn't want human life destroyed" ("every being counts, every being matters") and yet is willing to kill tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens. For some reason, beings with actual thought are somehow less valuable than a handful of cells. Bush feels that it would be better to have these embryos if there's a shortage of children in the world that need to be adopted. Once again, beings with cognitive thought are of less value.

It makes me sad and embarrassed to be an American.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I really wish Jon Stewart would run for president. He's a genius.
