Friday, July 22, 2005

Doctor's Visit

Parker had his 4 month check-up today. Things are looking good. Actually, he seemed to experience a growth spurt. At 25cm and 14lb 11oz, he's now in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. A big jump from his previous 10th percentile stats, which caused Dr. Mike to exclaim, "Woah! 5 pounds!"

I'm sure this is not surprise for those of you who have seen Parker's gigantic head but I guess his noggin had an even bigger growth spurt, which at 44 put it in the 75th percentile. The growth was so dramatic that they remeasured his head several times. Even though Dr. Mike is sure everything's fine, we're going to have an ultrasound done on that melon...just in case.

**sigh** My little boy is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. They're going to check his head size? Don't they know that big head = big brain? Parker's a genius...the sooner they accept that, the better.
