Monday, May 26, 2008

Book2Movie Club

So a decade ago...gasp! Yes it's been that long...I did this thing called Movie Nite where I arranged for a group of friends to get together and watch a flick once a week. Over time I became the Movie Nite Dictator because, well, dictatorships just run more efficiently. (Actually, I got stuck with one too many movies that other people wanted to watch but didn't show up to view. I think that's how Hitler also got his start.)

Soon after Movie Nite ended, I joined a book club, which allowed me to take advantage of my commute time (as I was taking the train to work then) and read a bunch of books that I normally would not have read. Sad to say, the book club ''went on a break'', which I quickly translated to "went kaputz.''

A few more years have passed and I'm feeling it's time to try to bring the bands back together. Yes, that's ''bands'' plural. My thought was to create a ''Book2Movie'' Club. Once a month (which I figured would be easier than Movie Nite's weekly commitment) on a weekend (once again, figured a non-school night would be easier on all involved) we'd get together to watch a pre-determined movie.

''Pre-determined?'' you asked. Well, that's where the book part comes into play. The thought is read the book (or script if that's the case) of the movie chosen. Watch the movie. Then have lunch to discuss how the book was translated to film and (for those who didn't read the book) how the movie stands on its own.

That said, here's my suggestion for the first Book2Movie Club selection...Wanted which opens June 27th and is based on the graphic novel by Mark Millar and J.G. Jones. It also stars James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, and, yes, Angelina Jolie. So, for those of you who are not quite sure about the ''book'' aspect of this venture...have no fear, things won't be too heady right off the bat.

Here are the rest of the details:

    Date: Saturday, June 28
    Time: TBD -- early show, to be following by lunch
    Location: Sherman Oaks ArcLight (it's opening weekend, we're going to need the reserved seating)
As for future selections, I'll list my suggestions below but really, I hope this is something we can further refine with as we get together. Also, I normally wouldn't suggest opening weekend but what follows if the 4th of July holiday, which seemed just a problematic.

Well, let me know if you're interested in participating. I'll update you all again as we get closer to having actual showtimes.

I hope to see you at the Book2Movie Club.

Possible Future Selections:

1 comment:

  1. It opens on July 11th, so it could possibly be around at the end of July for the second Book 2 Movie, but what about "Journey to the Center of the Earth?" Could be interesting to read such a classic adventure tale and see how it is brought to life for today's audiences...and in 3D!

    **And, it has Brendan Fraser. :-)
