Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New Zoo Revue

Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Depending on the moment of the day, Parker takes on different animal identies. When he's crying in his crib, he's my LITTLE BIRD because, with his big head and extented (when he's screaming) little neck, he looks like a baby bird squacking for food in his nest. When he's curled up in my arms, he's my LITTLE BUG -- I can't decide between a lady bug (the Dennis Leary one from "Bug's Life", of course) or a rollie pollie bug (don't know it real name but I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about). When I change his diapers, he's my WIGGLE WORM because he won't keep still. And now, I see from the new set of clothes that Jenny Lynn got him he's also my LITTLE MONKEY because he looks like the monkey on the outfit. I can't wait to see what new animal awaits me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Just warn him that I have dibs on the panda bear!
