Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama-Mama Supreme

I know I've labeled myself as an Obama-Mama, but the real Obama-Mama would have to be my mom.

Now, I first have to set this mom is a clipper. An article clipper. There has always been a newspaper in our house and from those papers my mom has clipped articles of interest. Most are saved but other, especially those that pertain to one or more (which requires photocopying) of her kids, will get mailed. My favorite was a copy of Parade magazine that featured Rick (aka Ricky) Schroeder when he started on NYPD Blue. It was sent to me because I loved him as a kid (even took the trouble to write away for a back issue of Dynamite magazine -- did I just date myself? -- because he was on the cover). Of course, in case I had forgotten about that childhood crush, my mom added a post-it to the cover, ''Remember him?'' Uh, yeah, Mom! Anyway, I thought it was really sweet that my mom took the time to harass about it, let alone spend $$ on the stamp.

However, with the internet and ''free'' news, she has become the virtual clipper and on just about a daily basis I (actually, all the kids) get forwarded articles. Her two favorite sources seem to be The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Her favorite topic of late (actually, all year)...the upcoming election. Here are some choice forwards...

BTW, not sure if it's evident but my mom is a registered Republican.

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