Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Soup's On

Soup's On
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So, when it's time for Parker's dinner, I try to also have mine ready so we can eat together. I guess I figure that he'll get a sense that dinner is more than just me feeding him but rather a time for us to enjoy each others company. Of course, that means I've got to throw something quick together as Parker's not likely to sit around and wait for me to cook a five course meal. (Hello, did someone say it was getting a bit chilly in Hades?) Tonight, dinner consisted of soup for me and peas for Parker. Hey, but my soup was Wolfgang Puck's. And Parker's peas? Gerber's. Organic Gerber's.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be shy, Cat. You took this picture but really fed him plain yogurt. Because we all need a good laugh.
