Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Right In Mind

Right In Mind
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So Parker's definitely becoming more tactile. For a while he would just stare at his fist in awe that he was in control of it. Now, he's learning to work it. I guess it's sort of like learning to work that crane machine in the arcade. You know the one. That three fingered claw that you think you can use to nab you a cute stuffed animal that, $30 later, isn't as cheap as you thought it would be. Luckily for Parker, I'm letting him work his "claw" for free.

In this shot, he's grabbing for Poo Cow -- the rattle that I use to distract him during diaper changes and our totem that we like to think keeps him regular. (I guess you can call it a motivational tool but I think Poo Cow's "poos" -- instead of "moos" -- really inspires the little guy.)

By the way, I know I'm biased but I think we may have a little lefty on our hands. He does seem to favor that hand. Of course that could be my influence -- I tend to hold him with my left arm (stifling the mobility of his right arm) and when I change him his left side is closest to me (which probably draws his attention/focus to that side). I guess we'll find out soon enough.



    I noticed the same things about my niece when she was 6 mos old. Everyone in my family said "you can't tell that until they're older." But I was adamant...she was a lefty.

    Now she's 4 and she has proven that YES, indeed, she is left handed.

    So despite your "favoring" his left, I think he genuinely favors it too. Go left, young man.

  2. Lefties rule and we are super cool. Parker is super cool, too, so that seals the deal.

    I also think Parker is going to follow mom's footsteps and be a writer. He certainly is vocal about our ideas!

  3. In watching that "one too many" Moonlightings at 2AM I noticed that David Adison is also a lefty. I cannot use that to 100% acertain if Bruce Willis is a lefty but its certainly very likely.

  4. In watching that "one too many" Moonlightings at 2AM I noticed that David Adison is also a lefty. I cannot use that to 100% acertain if Bruce Willis is a lefty but its certainly very likely.
