Thursday, June 30, 2005

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Here's my imitation of a fish on hook!

Can't wait until this weekend when everyone comes over to celebrate your birthday. How many weeks old are you? 1,976. Wow! Compared to my 16, that's ancient. Maybe you should use dog years.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

You can't have just one

You can't have just one
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
While Parker has nothing against a pacifier, he just can't get enough of his own fingers...ALL OF THEM. It's like he has a hard time trying to make a decision. Which one will it be today? Hmmmm, I better suck on a finger while I figure that out. Oh, what a vicious cycle!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Trillo Verisons 1.0, 2.0, & 3.0

Trillo Verisons 1.0, 2.0, & 3.0
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
No, that's not Donald Rumsfeld, that Chris and Parker with Chris' dad, Jim. For Father's Day, we went to Grandpa's house for steaks and pinocle lessons from the master (Jim) himself. (Let's just say it's a good thing there was no money involved in these initial pinocle games. However, I think we all have a hang of it now so watch your wallets!)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

In The Swing of Things

In The Swing of Things
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Well, Parker has figured out the joy of toys. Here he is in one of his swings (yes, we have more than one...all hand-me-downs, thank goodness!) and experiencing the wonders behind the plastic star/mirror thing. Yes, very scientific.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Parker's First Earthquake

Parker's First Earthquake
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
A 4.9 out of Yucaipa woke Frankie from his afternoon nap but Parker, safe in my arms, didn't notice a thing. (Talk about a native Californian.) At the time, I was trying to get the little guy to take a nap himself but when the earth started shaking I took a detour to the nearest doorway. By the time I got there, the quake was over.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Virtual Fetch

As I believe I've mentioned to most of you, much of my day I'm face with Frankie BEGGING me to play fetch. Unfortunately, there's only so much fetch I can play, especially if I'm going to get anything else take care of Parker.

That said, I figured I should enlist others to play fetch with Frankie. So how about this...When ever you have a free moment, why don't you click the link and play fetch with Frankie. I know he'll love it and trust me, he'll never get tired of chasing that ball.

Baby's First Drive-on

Baby's First Drive-on
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
As Aimee mentions in her blog, Parker and I visited WBCP today for a quick hello, tried on a pair of crazy glasses, and, of course, lunch at Papoo's. Parker had a great time and was exhausted by the time we finally left. (Bethany can attest to this as he fell asleep as she walked us to the elevator.)

It was an extra special day because Parker had a poo when he got home. (Insert work/poo joke here.) And you know how I like it when my baby's regular.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Moving Pictures

Well, I think I may have finally broken the video barrier. I found a great site -- -- that walked me through the process. I think all I need to do now is figure out how to res down the video because this first video is almost 4MB -- and for you people with a slow internet connection I know that means an eternity to download.

Anyway, enjoy this first film. This is the movie on which the index print from June 3rd was based. As of yet, we still haven't achieved "roll over". :o( But we're working on it.

BTW, this was taken with my digital camera; consequently, there's no sound.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Parker's First Giggles

Parker's First Giggles
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
We were hanging out on the playmat, after a strenuous tummy workout, when Parker gave his first giggle. The object of his amusement...the multi-colored wiggle worm that hangs from the playmat arches. Not sure why...because we couldn't duplicate the event later when Daddy got home...but the planets aligned and he just found the whole thing amusing, causing him to explode with a hyperventilated trill of giggles and laughs.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Right In Mind

Right In Mind
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So Parker's definitely becoming more tactile. For a while he would just stare at his fist in awe that he was in control of it. Now, he's learning to work it. I guess it's sort of like learning to work that crane machine in the arcade. You know the one. That three fingered claw that you think you can use to nab you a cute stuffed animal that, $30 later, isn't as cheap as you thought it would be. Luckily for Parker, I'm letting him work his "claw" for free.

In this shot, he's grabbing for Poo Cow -- the rattle that I use to distract him during diaper changes and our totem that we like to think keeps him regular. (I guess you can call it a motivational tool but I think Poo Cow's "poos" -- instead of "moos" -- really inspires the little guy.)

By the way, I know I'm biased but I think we may have a little lefty on our hands. He does seem to favor that hand. Of course that could be my influence -- I tend to hold him with my left arm (stifling the mobility of his right arm) and when I change him his left side is closest to me (which probably draws his attention/focus to that side). I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Extra Wink

Extra Wink
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Chris tries to catch a few more zzzzz's by bringing Parker into bed with him. Of course, now I'm worried that he's going to squash our little guy so that keeps me from sleeping. Oh well. So much for sleeping in.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Tummy Time

Tummy Time
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
No, Parker can't roll over yet. (With a head that large, can you blame him?) But we're working on it. Here's another index photo of an MOV file that I took of Parker.


Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
almost 3 months old, single

Being held
Long walks on the beach

Wet Diapers
Aggressive games of peek-a-boo

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Oh where, oh where...

Oh where, oh where...
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
I let Frankie out for his usual play time with Kitty, our neighbor's dog. However, when I check up on them later, I see Kitty snoozing on our porch but Frankie's nowhere to be found. I called for him over and over again but not answer.

So I packed up the baby and we started walking around the house, calling Frankie's name. I expected to see Frankie's head pop up in the distance and then him bounding back home. But no answer. Now as many of you know, we're surrounded by large lots of open land that's also home to rattlesnakes, coyotes, and bobcats so I started to get worried. As the hours passed, all I could think of was an injured Frankie curled beneath a shrub, waiting for me to come save him. It was absolutely heartwrenching.

Evenutally, after hours of searching with a screaming baby, I had to give up. As I sat at home, thinking of a world without Frankie, I did the only thing left to do...I finished the pint of Haggen Daz in the freezer.

I guess it's a good thing that I did that because soon afterward I got a call. Frankie was safe and sound at another neighbor's house. Thank God!

It looks like Frankie's going to be living a more restricted lifestyle for a while. (Send your file-laden cakes to Kitty's

attention because the warden's one tough cookie.)

RIP Trusty iMac

...You served me well.

One of the reasons for my trip to SF was to pick up my new computer -- an iBook. I had my sister get it for me and I guess just in time because my iMac just crapped out. With my iMac gone, there's a big hole in the corner that this iBook just can't fill. But that's okay. I have plenty of stuff to fill the space. I just need to dust it off first.