Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week 16

Published 9/6/2008

So we met with the genetic counselor at Dr. Samadi's today. Looks like the baby's passed his tests. While it's no guarantee that the baby doesn't have any genetic disorders (like Downs Syndrome), we seem to be in a pretty good place. For my age group, the odds of having a child with down is 1 in 700 but the tests came back with the odds something like 1 in 1500, which is good.

While at Dr. Samadi's we had another ultrasound. The baby is progress well but we did get one new piece of news. Looks like we won't be needing that boy's name since we now appear to be having a girl! Go figure. Kind of reminds me of my sister, who was suppose to be a boy named John. Of course, coming out a girl, her name was quickly changed to Joan.

Even though, now I feel we should wait another month to get a 2 our of 3 verdict on the matter, looks like, come January, we'll be welcoming Piper Mary Trillo to this world.

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