Thursday, November 17, 2005

Has it been that long?

Sorry for the delay in posts but I started a new job last week (don't get too excited...It's just a six month temp gig) and it's taken me a bit of time to get used to the changes associated with being at a new place with new hours...Not to mention daylight savings, getting over a cold, etc. The family now, though, seems to be in tip-top shape. After three antibiotics, Parker has finally gotten over his ear infection. We even think he may have a few more teeth coming. (Will upload pictures when I can hold him still enough to get a clear visual and the little buggers.)

Of course, as things begin to settle in our busy lives, it becomes more evident that the holidays are coming and how far behind I already am with craft projects, card ideas, and gift purchases. I'm really going to have to sit down this weekend and set up a timeline if everything's going to get done. (Keep your fingers crossed!)

So let me think...Stress over new job...Stress over holidays...hmmmm, I think that may be it...for now. I'm sure if I sleep on it I'll come up with more things to worry about. Well, on the bright side, at least we're going over to Chris' brother's house for Thanksgiving. That's definitely one less thing to worry about. (Of course, he will be deep frying a turkey over there...uggg...More stress. Where's that fire extinguisher?)


  1. What about the stress for your upcoming birthday? I think a little poker party may be just the thing for you!

  2. Hmmm...deep fried turkey. I can't wait!
