Friday, August 17, 2007

The Postal Service

So I have this shirt that my sister gave me for this band called The Postal Service. I'm sure it's good. (My sister has excellent taste in music.) But I just haven't gotten around to listening to them. Evidently, though, I'm the only one. I wore the shirt to a grocery store in Palmdale and the bagger commented on it, telling me how much she loved the band.

So today a wore the shirt and Aimee commented on it. No, she hadn't heard of the band but the name of the band and the artwork caught her eye. (Nothing sadder than a kid dropping his scoop of ice cream.) But that reminded me of the chick at the grocery store so I relayed that story to her. It's just weird that a shirt I got from San Francisco would elicit comments from down south. (Of course, now I discover that the band's from LA so I guess it's not as weird as I thought.)

But that takes me to later in the afternoon when I went to Starbucks. As one guy was getting me my coffee, a second guy says something to me. It was hard to understand but it sounded like..."Would you like *mumble* service?" Huh? Is this guy trying to upsell me something? "What?" I ask and he replies with the same thing. What the hell was this guy offering me? So finally I had to admit, "I have not idea what the hell you're saying." Now, you probably know by know what the guy was saying. Yes, he was a fan of The Postal Service and he was asking, "You like The Postal Service".

Again with The Postal Service. I guess it's about time I check these guys out and you know what...they're not bad. :o) Here a link to one of their songs, Such Great Heights. Very Death Cab for Cutie. Momma likes.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't my sister cute? It's like she's being naive on purpose... You sly fox!

    Postal Service was a side project of Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie.
