Friday, January 30, 2009

Color Me Mine

So, what happens when your 3-year-old finds your lipstick? Puts it on, of course.

I must say, the color looks pretty good on Parker. And he seems to wear it well! Not too girly. Just super silly and feisty.

You better watch out if you choose to make fun of Parker, though. He just might bust out his knife hand and smack you silly. (Or he may color you with the same lip color.)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Bro Nose Little Sis

Big Bro Holds Little SisBig Bro Holds Little SisBig Bro Holds Little Sis
Thank goodness Parker loves to hang out with his little sis. When I can get him to settle down, I place her in his lap and he gives her kisses and holds her hand. Then, he likes to take her nose and swap it with his own nose. Have no fear, though, he does give her her own nose back...eventually.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year's Feast

Dinner with Uncle WoodyDinner with Uncle Woody
Dinner with Uncle WoodyDinner with Uncle Woody
With my mom in town, Piper's birth, and Chinese New Year all happening at about the same time,, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to catch up with my mother's brother, Woody. Of course that means dinner in Monterey Park -- and again, we're eating what could be considered an ark of animals, including shark, duck, and lobster.

I love it when we get to see Uncle Woody with my mom because it gives me a chance to catch a of couple "natural" shots of my mom. Usually, photographing my mom is a tense affair. However, when she's with her brother, she seems to loosen up and relax.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sofa Mobile

Sofa Mobile
Sofa Mobile,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So, with me home on disability, Parker has also been spending more time around the house, which means we have to find interesting ways of entertaining ourselves that don't involve me running around. As a kid, my sister and I used to build forts with the couch cushions. Parker, however, preferred that I make him a car so here it is, the 2009 Sofa Mobile. Build for speed and comfort, the Sofa Mobile is the latest in cushion construction.

Unfortunately, it's one of a kind and the only one available to own is already taken by Parker.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chinese New Year's Eve

Chinese New Year's Eve DinnerChinese New Year's Eve DinnerChinese New Year's Eve Dinner
Happy Chinese New Year's Eve! My mom prepared a huge dinner, featuring just about every beast in the Chinese zodiac.

As the tradition, the kids got red envelopes. I just realized Piper looks just like the little dude on her envelope. Parker, obviously, went crazy over his but he wisely suggest that the money inside should go into his piggy bank. Smart move, little man!

Expressive Sleep

Baby SleepsBaby Sleeps
Baby SleepsBaby Sleeps
As you can probably guess, I spend a lot of time watching the baby as she sleeps in my arms. As various expressions run across her face I can't help but wondering about what she's thinking. What's causing that serious face? What's up with that smirk? Is that a smile or just gas?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby's First Doctor's Visit

Frist Check-upFrist Check-up
When she was born, Piper's bilirubin count was a tad high; however, leaving the hospital, it appeared to be going down. (Parker had the same issue when he was born.) Today we was Piper's first pediatrician visit and her bilirubin counts was the first item on the agenda. Good news...all appears to be well now. Actually, she looks good all around. Her weight dropped to 6lb 9oz (again, normal). She has another appointment next week. Her regain the weight lost since birth.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 3 -- Coming Home

Day 3Day 3Day 3
Day 3Day 3Day 3
And on the third day, we were released from the hospital and allowed to go home. The entire family -- Me, Chris, Parker, Piper, Frankie, and Dean -- are finally united. Frankie and Dean were curious about the newest Trillo but they seemed to take to her pretty well.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy's Little GirlBanana Hat
Self PortraitKisses
Chris, Parker and my mom stop by for some Piper bonding time (which gives me a chance to take a shower and catch a little shut-eye).


Swollen FeetThey said my feet would be swollen but holy cow! It looks like I had a Fred Flintstone foot transplant. Every single piggy is plumped to the max and my ankles...where did they go? Well, at least I got that pedicure earlier this week to show off these gorgeous gams.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 1 in Review

Mom and PiperParkers POVTiny FeetBabys Stats
WinkDad and PiperProud GramBig and Strong Bro
Healthy and happy, the Trillo girls can't wait to be discharged from the hospital to be reunited with the Trillo boys.

Look Who's Awake Now

Look Who's Awake Now
Look Who's Awake Now,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So far we've had 3 poopy diapers (Chris, you just missed them!) -- two of them were one right after the other -- had a couple of meals, and slept a lot. But now she's awake and checking out Mommy.

Yeah! Piper's here!

Yeah! Piper's here!
Yeah! Piper's here!,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker and Carli take turns holding Piper. Now if we can just get them trained in changing diapers.

Baby's First Bath

Baby's First Bath
Baby's First Bath,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
And as you can see...she's loving it.


Piper Mary Trillo 12:32pm

Piper Mary Trillo 12:32pm
Piper Mary Trillo 12:32pm,
originally uploaded by Chris.
In case you're wondering, here are Piper's stats:
  • weight: 7lb 4oz
  • length: 20in
  • head: 14-1/4in
  • chest: 13-1/4in
And yes, it's a girl!


We are pushing

Piper up front, mom in back

Piper up front, mom in back.  Kinds makes me think of the space photo "earth rises over moon"
Piper up front, mom in back.,
originally uploaded by Chrisl.
Kind of makes me think of the space photo ''Earth rises over moon''.

Dad waits

Dad waits
Dad waits,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.

The Boys Save The Day

The Hutson boys that is. At the moment they have control of Parker and are down at the cafeteria having a bite to eat and keeping him out of the room, apparently not allowed to the birth.

"I was born once myself!" he yelled as they took him away.

What a brave little man he is.

Piper is on the way and you better get out of it.

As you know Catherine went into labor this morning saving me from a gruesome comute to redondo beach.

Our mothers were going to take command of Parker but due to an early arrival we called in the calvery, AKA the Hutsons.

Thanks so much!

Catherine is doing fine and catching naps here and there.

Not to long to kickoff now

Any time now

7cm. Epidural in. Water is broken.

Don't Worry

Don't Worry
Don't Worry,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker's got the pictures all taken care of.

5 Centimeters Dialated

As of about 30 minutes ago. Yeah, we're not going anywhere.

Now if I could just get that epidural.

Maybe Aimee's On To Something

Started to feel contractions this morning. This could be it. We're getting ready to head to the hospital right now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All Systems Go

So, unless Piper decides to come in about the next 24 hours, she's scheduled to be nudged out into the world this Thursday. I'm scheduled to be at the hospital at 7am, which means she should be out by the afternoon.

Looks like Chris' brother Dana will have to share his birthday.


originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Absolutely psyched!

I can't believe this time is finally here!