So I found this site that shows you where your ''Electorial Compass'' is pointing. All you have to do is take a survey and Viola! It literally shows where you and the candidates stand.
As expected...Obama is my man (so to speak -- don't be jealous Chris...even though I know he's your man, too). Actually, it's interesting to see all the candidates one one page based on their opinions. You can even see their (and your) positions on specific issues.
This election will be pretty interesting. The good thing is, though, the current batch of candidates -- Democratic and Republican -- don't scare me. I think all will do a good job if they became President. (Really, they don't have to do much to do better than our current President.) All of them seem to be able to hold their own in public conversations (not just speeches) -- I'm specifically thinking of McCain's many favorable appearances on the Daily Show and Huckabee on The Colbert Report. Not to mention a sense of humor -- Obama on SNL, Hillary's Sopranos Ad, and McCain willing to be in ''Wedding Crashers''.
If I had to rate them, obviously, Obama is my top dog -- great values, open to working with all parties in order to achieve goals greater (yes, I think we should be talking to our enemies in order to find diplomatic solutions not military solutions to our disagreements), and an overall great representative for the American people. (I guess I also can't ignore the appeal of a multi-racial candidate in office -- can I get a Hapa Whoop! Whoop!)
AO (''After Obama''), I'm kinda of torn between Hillary and McCain. I hate their hawkishness (Sure Hillary is against the war right now but I'm still not sold that she'll actually get us out of there, especially if she feels the need to demonstrate that she strong.) but I feel both will have a more responsible approach regarding the war.
I guess I would have to go with McCain as my current second. While my political leaning is more Democratic than Republican, I appreciate McCain's independence and willingness to work across the aisle -- even with Democrats seen as super-liberal (McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill) -- and even go against the party line if necessary (McCain's stance against the Bush Administration and Torture). It's interesting to see him speak to conservative groups. ''Many of you have disagreed strongly with some positions I have taken in recent years. I understand that. I might not agree with it, but I respect it for the principled position it is.'' He wants their support but doesn't outright cater to their whims.
To be honest, I can't anything that Hillary's done recently that doesn't feel more like political posturing. Dare I even say that she doesn't seem genuine to me? (Okay, I guess I just said it.) What I do have to go on is my gut, which tells me she'd do the right thing. But is that enough to trust her over McCain? At this point, no. But the Electorial Compass tells me she's politically a lot closer to me than McCain so maybe my opinion will change in the next couple of months.
So that leaves Huckabee in fourth. I don't believe in everything he stands for but, as dumb as it sounds, he's likable. I actually like him, personality-wise, better than Hillary.
We'll, that's where I stand right now. If I remember, I'll do the test again in a couple of months and see if there's been any change. In the meantime, I encourage you all to see where your compass is pointing.