Daycare Anecdote
We took Parker and the rest of the class to visit room 102 [another classroom at daycare]. He really enjoyed exploring the room. This might be the room he will be going to end of June.
We took Parker and the rest of the class to visit room 102 [another classroom at daycare]. He really enjoyed exploring the room. This might be the room he will be going to end of June.
Posted by
3/26/2007 04:47:00 PM
Ahoy! Captain Parker's behind the wheel.
Okay, I guess it's time for me to start to list all of Parker's riding accessories:
Posted by
3/25/2007 10:43:00 PM
Okay, if you didn't see this on SNL, here's your chance. What a great take on the Dora cartoons!
Dora isn't one of Parker's Tivo selections but we watch it on occasion. That's kind how we got him to say "Aw Man!"
In a classic (my) mommism...My mom commented (in amazement)how everytime Dora and Boots foil Swiper he says, "Aw Man!". We're watching Dora, they start saying "Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!" And then my mom, in full anticipation, is like "wait for it..." just before Swiper declares, "Aw Man!", which totally filled my mom with glee. I guess it's amazing how he does that consistantly everytime they say "Swiper, no swiping!" (Seriously, as if it weren't script that way.) If only everything were that easy. Parker, no puking (in the car)! Doggie, no pooping! Policeman, no ticket! (Yes, I recently got a speeding ticket.) :o(
Anyway, so we just kept saying over "Swiper, no swiping!" and "Aw man!" and, well, I guess the "Aw man!" (which Parker actually pronounces "Aw mam!") stuck in the little guys head. Now when ever something disappointed happens, he says "Aw mam!" It's absolutely adorable. :o) I feel I need to train him to say other things. I've been working on getting to say "Hurrah!" when I say "Hip! Hip!" But I know there are other choice catch phrases for him. Maybe a White House talking point like "blame game" or "sectarian violence." (Am I the only person who visualizes Carol Burnett from a Conway/Tudball sketch throwing a nail file?) What phrases do you suggest?
Posted by
3/25/2007 07:50:00 AM
Okay, when I saw that an athlete was hosting I thought this episode was going to blow. Boy, was I wrong! It was absolutely hilarious and Manning did a better job than some of the real actors that host the show. Maybe he was more open to having someone poke fun at him. Maybe he was more willing to look ridiculous. Maybe he just lucked out with more inspired writing. Whatever it was, it worked. I don't follow sports (I've heard of the guy's name before but that's about it.) but I think he came across very well.
Posted by
3/24/2007 11:45:00 PM
Labels: TV
All Aboard!
Parker was helping me pull the outdoor wagon with three children inside of it by pushing the rear of it. We walked around the courtyard in circles for about 10 minutes. He enjoyed helping me.
Posted by
3/20/2007 11:17:00 AM
There's nothing like driving with last Thanksgiving's centerpiece on your head.
I guess the artist of the original turkey Centerpiece is reinterpreting his work into a modern, multimedia performance thing.
Watch out Frankie! The driver in the turkey hat is backing up.
Or maybe that's part of the art show.
Posted by
3/17/2007 10:33:00 PM
Who needs paper when you have hands, sleeves, cheeks, forehead...
Yeah, it's not a good idea to leave ink or paint products lying around the house. No matter how harmless it may seem.
Well, I guess I should start leaving bars of soap lying around the house. Maybe, like particles and antiparticles, the two will negate themselves. Hmmmmm....
Posted by
3/11/2007 06:20:00 PM
Labels: Parker
Two years old and Parker's at Disneyland…again. But not just because. This time we're celebrating a special occasion. Thommy and Geoffrey had been together for 10 years and we're celebrating with a scrumptious dinner at The Napa Rose. Woo hoo!
But before we celebrate, being two, it's about time our lil' P get behind the wheel and test those reflexes.
Parker couldn't wait to get into one of those little hot rods. And actually, I haven't been on the ride since they revamped it so deep down in side...I couldn't wait either.
I guess this is a good sign of how things were to go for the rest of the night. The plan was to leave the park around 4pm to get some naptime in before we head over to the restaurant. But as we headed out of the park we we're surprised to discover that Parker had fallen asleep...and while sitting on Chris' shoulders, ta' boot.
Things looked a bit dicey when a well rested Parker decided to take a lap around the restaurant during the pre-dinner cocktail.
However, just after the first course…zonk. Out like a light. Awesome! And we had the coolest waiter. He brought out a spare table cloth to cover Parker and even a stack of cloth napkins for a pillow. (We passed on the napkins becuase he seemed to be doing so well without them.)
But with the little guy down, we had a chance to focus on the important stuff...the food, which ROCKED! Actually, we were luckily seated at the same table with the men of honor...Thommy and Geoffrey. So great food and great company ta boot.
Posted by
3/10/2007 09:32:00 PM
Labels: Disneyland, Friends, Parker, Trillos
As you can see, one day later and Elmo and Parker are fast friends. Parker even lets Elmo take the wheel of the car for a while.
Now that's trust!
But it doesn't last for long.
Soon Parker is back behind the wheel.
But this time…Squeeze over Elmo!…the car is build for two as Elmo and Parker tool around the kitchen. Hopefully, Frankie doesn't find out or he'll be jealous. Combined with the trust issues from last night...yeah, that won't be good.
Posted by
3/08/2007 06:38:00 PM
...and technically Parker, it isn't even your birthday yet. Yes, it's good to be two!
A friend sent Parker a couple of birthday goodies in the mail -- the season one soundtrack from Jack's Big Music Show (HOORAY! Or as Jack and Mary would say, "WHOOPIE!") and a TMX Elmo (WOW!). Talk about a big haul!
Parker's all too familiar with Jack (and Mel and Mary) but, as you can see from the picture, this Elmo guy in the box...hmmmm.
So, with the help of a few tools (Should I even start with how securly toys are packaged these days. Geez! And I thought that "security wrap" on CD's and DVD's was annoying. You need a full tool box to free toys from their packaging these days. Who would think someone getting 50 cents an hour in a Chinese government sponsored sweatshop would be so motivated? Then again, f#*@ing with people who can afford these toys may be just how they get through their days. But I digress...), I free Elmo and set him on the floor.
Yeah, we're going to have to work on some trust issues here. The first run caused Parker to jump in my arms and cry on my shoulder in fear. But he soon warmed up to the guy after he got to know him.
As for Frankie...well, as you can see in the picture, he doesn't trust the little guy. Careful Elmo, one wrong giggle and Frankie will make the laughter go away for good.
All in all, so long as Frankie stays in line, Elmo should make a good addition to the family.
Posted by
3/07/2007 07:16:00 PM
Parker received a new car for his birthday from Gram and Grandpa. As you'll notice, like with his trike, Parker feels he needs to be fully accessorized when behind the wheel.
Sorry, Frankie. There's no room for you to hang your head out of the window and let the wind comb your fur. Nope. You'll have to find your own ride.
Posted by
3/06/2007 02:57:00 PM
So we celebrated Parker's 2nd birthday at Grandpa's house. All the cool kids were there…Josephine, Jasmine, Carly…and they showed Parker how to party like a big kid.
Hmmm...birthday with a bunch of girls. What's that going to be like?
Yeah. Yeah. Balloons. I got it. (Actually, not only did Gram bring did Gerry and Esther. There was definitely plenty of balloons.)
And hugs. Lots of hugs.
Hey wait, this could be my opportunity to escape.
But checkout all the fun they're having. I guess, all in all, it's not so bad.
Especially when there's cupcakes...FOR ME! Someone, help me blow out these candles.
Parker doesn't eat many things (like meat...for some reason, not big on the meat). But, along with mac & cheese and yogurt, cake's definitely on the must eat list.
Grandpa's always good for a story and Gram's always good for toys.
But it's not a party until you break out the bubbles.
Posted by
3/03/2007 11:16:00 PM