Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Pre-Trick or TreatingCome On, Daddy!Parker has some pumpkin bread as Chris talks about his day. (Let's just say, the fact that Chris is able to join us tonight -- rather than work his normal insane hours -- should give you an idea of how
his day went.) But eventually, Parker had to put his foot down. "All right! All right, Daddy! Enough of the yapping! Let's go trick or treating!"

One DownEntourageOne house down, many more to go...what ever that means. Parker is still working his brain around what this whole trick or
treating thing is all about. In the meantime, he has his entourage to keep him focused on the important thing...having fun.

Trick or TreatOn The Road AgainThings started to click and make sense after a while. Mommy or daddy would knock on the door and it would open. Everyone yells, "Trick or Treat!" Hold our the bucket and the stranger will drop something into it. Then move onto the the next house. Got it.
Follow the yellow brick road. Follow the...errr...grey concrete
road. It's Daddy, the Cowardly Lion, and their little dinosaur, Toto.

SurroundedTrick or Treating"Puppies to our left and to our right! We're surrounded, Daddy!"
By the end of the night, Parker was an old pro at this trick or
treating thing. Now, we were never able to get him to actually say "Trick or Treat". And while he does a great growl, he never said it a doorway for a stranger. But he was able to carry the bucket on his own and he could grab the offered candy on his own. (Call me a bad Momnmy but no, Parker didn't get to eat any of the received candy. I'm sure he'll get enough to make him sick ten times over in the years to come.)

Post Trick Or Treat ActionOnly one thing would bring this night to a screeching halt...a dirty diaper. Have no fear, Parker. The night's not over...not without a burger at Bob's. Parker shared a milk shake with Mommy, who had a chili spaghetti with American cheese (old school style).

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ice Cream is Good

Ice Cream is Good
Ice Cream is Good,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
I've had to come to terms that I've given birth to a picky eater. Maybe "picky" is not the right word. "Unadventurous" (aka "BORING") is probably the better label. He's not one to try new things. (On the bright side, he doesn't put a lot of foreign objects in his mouth.) He's not a big fan of meat. (I think we may have the next incarnate of the Dalai Lama on our hands.)

So, when we went to Ben & Jerry's while Chris was getting a haircut, I wasn't surprised when Parker refused to taste my ice cream. This time, I had to prove to the little one that Mommy's was right and baby was wrong...Ice cream is good. Parker's head bobbed left to right. Mommy's cone moved in and out. Then...BAM! Bulleye! Mommy's cone connected with baby's mouth.

Ice Cream is GoodAnd...yes, baby had to agree. Mommy was right. Ice cream is good.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Daycare Anecdote

"Parker was counting today -- 2, 3, 2, 3. It sounded darling."

BTW, I don't think I mentioned it before by Ruth is Parker's primary caregiver at daycare.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Feeding Frankie

Feeding FrankieFeeding Frankie
Feeding Frankie,
originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker recently discovered the joys of feeding Frankie. His process...place a handful or two of dog food into the cup, then transfer to the dog food bowl (see bottom right of the first pic). Repeat -- over and over again. This takes a good 20 minutes. Hey, it's better than having him go through the drawers in the bathroom and play with mommy's lipstick or stick his hand in the toilet to splash the water.