Friday, March 31, 2006

I have this feeling...

...that in a couple of years I'll be fishing Parker out of a vending maching like this kid. I guess he climbed into one of those claw machines because he really wanted one of the toys inside.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


We had a bit of free time in the morning because Parker has a follow-up Ped's appt. Believe it or not, this smiling face had ANOTHER ear infection. However, after a course of anti-biotics it's not clear whether or not things are getting better or staying the same. We'll be heading back next week to see where we stand. In the meantime, Parker plays peek-a-boo in the curtains.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Parker Walking

Sorry for the delay in posting this.

Here's a great clip of Parker not only walking but of him saying "hello." Yes, it could be another one of those ''mama'' moments but cool none the less.

Monday, March 20, 2006

On the Verge

On the VergeLook closely...those hands are not toughing the wall! While it's only a few free wheeling steps, it's definitely a sign of more to come.

Here are a few more fun anecdotes...

About a week ago, Chris was in the kitchen with the little guy. Parker was in the corner going through "his cabinet", which contains all the plasticware; while Chris was in the fridge. Of course, when Chris was done he closed the fridge door, surprisinng Parker -- as the little guy had made his way from the cabinet to the fridge and was using the door for support. With the door now closed, Parker was left standing solo. I'm not sure who was more shocked -- Chris or Parker. Luckily, before he could panic and fall, Parker grabbed on to the closest support, Chris.

Today, when I picked up Parker from daycare, I was surprised to see him stand on his own and take a few unsupported steps. Then, seeing his buddy Weston sitting on a scooter, he went over and starting pushing him across the room. That blew me away. What a powerhouse!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Watching Daddy

Watching Daddy
Sunday was pretty low key. It was a bit too cold for Parker to spend a lot of time outside but he enjoyed watching Chris tooling around out there.

Don't worry kid. In no time Daddy will have you out there hauling stuff out of his truck and picking things up in the yard.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes

It was the day after St. Patrick's Day but we still had to see if the luck of the Irish would linger long enough as we placed a few bets on the horses. Things started off well enough. I placed a bet on a familiar jockey and won $2.80 on a $2 bet -- Woo! Hoo! 80 cents! (That may come across as sarcastic but really, I'm excited to win anything.) Chris, on the other hand started off following Duke's picks (some flyer you can buy at the track) and then defaulted to Steve's picks (his friend who met up with us at the track).

For the 7th race we decided to come down from the stands and watch the race up close and personal -- on the rail, near the finish line. Paying more attention to Parker than the race, I couldn't help wondering why this jockey was walking down the track. Later, when the pack came riding toward the finish line it became evident. Check out the horses up front. One of them is missing its jockey. I guess he fell off at the start of the race. The horse, "Downtime", came in second without him. Talk about initiative! Too bad the horse was disqualified (for lack of jockey).

Aimee and Thommy opted for long shots, getting their hopes up on a super long shot in the 8th race (it's odds were something like 90 to 1) -- I think it was named "Blazing Sunset". When the dust settled...well, let's just say none of us have quit our day jobs...yet. Regardless of how the adults did, though, Parker had a great time hanging out with everyone and enjoying the sights.

Monday, March 13, 2006

1st Year Checkup

Parker had his 1 year check-up today. Luckily, Chris had the day off so he could also attend and keep the little guy entertained. For the most part, all is well. He's pretty healthy but, unbeknownst to us, he, once again, has an ear infection. This will require another round of antibiotics and will consequently delay the round of vaccinations he was supposed to receive today. Looks like we'll be back in a couple of weeks -- hopefully the ear will be better so Parker can be up-to-date with his shots.

Here are Parker's current stats:

  • WEIGHT: 20lb 11oz -- This puts him in the 35th percentile. He's still a light-weight; however, he's getting heavier, even though statistically he's suppose to lose weight since he's starting to walk and becoming more active.
  • HEIGHT: 30-1/4 inches -- This puts him in the 75th percentile; about the same place as he was last time.
  • HEAD CIRCUMFRENCE: 49cm -- 95th percentile!! Yes, that noggin is still growing and starting to skew off the chart. But the doctor's not worried since he's always been tracking HUGE when it comes to his head.

Forward Facing

Forward Facing
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
1 year old and know what that means? Parker can now ride like a big bog in the car -- facing forward. The world has opened up for him and our rides to work/daycare are now more than a view of the back seat. He'll now often lean to the center and look out the front window.

Flipping the car seat around means I also get a chance to see what months of dropped bottles do to a car's back seat. I have one word..."Nasty." Thank goodness Chris got some upholstery cleaner forme. Let's hope it works its magic.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's a Party for Parker!

Parker got his first taste of cake when the family got together to celebrate his birthday.

For the most part, he was just happy to be surrounded by a bunch of people. But when the cake arrived, he had to get serious and figure out what in the world is their weird object in front of me?

However, with a little coaxing from Mom and Dad, the little guy eventually figured it out and found the experience an enjoyable one. (Of course, he was much neater than I expected. So much for a pictures of an icing speared face.)

Then the assault began as Chris had his way with the party blower/horn thing.

Parker wasn't that impressed and, in the end, showed Daddy what he thought of his blower/horn thing.

Jasmine, on the other hand, had a hard time getting her blower to work. However, with a little coaching (stop chewing the end and blow), she got the hang of it.


With the cake served, the party was over. Luckily, Uncle Gerry was around to help Parker clean up.


And, as Parker plays a closing melody, we'd like to thank everyone who braved the weather (a smorgasbord of rain, snow, sleet, hail, and sunshine) and made it out to the ranch. Parker loved visiting with each and everyone of you.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Parker!

Happy Birthday Parker!
Happy Birthday Parker!
Parker models the crown he got from daycare.

Parker: Year One

Here's Parker with a birthday card (from Uncle Al and Aunt Jean) and a birthday gift (from his pals Annabelle and Jack) that he received from members of the Massachusetts contingent. Yes, Parker turns ONE today! We're going to be doing a small family get-together on Saturday, which will probably be rained out. (I hear there's an 80% chance for rain and snow levels could reach 3000ft -- We live at 3500ft.) Well, keep your fingers crossed that the weather treats us kindly.

As for the first year in review for Parker, here are a few items of note:
- Remember when he would do those signature backbends? Well, now that he's crawling and **gasp** almost walking, he's given up on the move. I know. I know. "Oh mom! That's so three month's ago!" But I miss it nonetheless.
- Slowly we're transitioning to big people food and the sippy cup, which will mean Parker will have to end his current "signature move" -- when he's done with his bottle he likes to dramatically throw it to the ground. If he could, I'm sure he would holler "DONE!"
- Parker's still big on laughing and he finds the oddest things funny -- the dog shaking his head (it could be the funny sound that's created by his gums flapping back and forth), a fellow day care buddy banging on something, or someone going "Boo!"
- Fetch. (Need I say more?)

That's all that come to mind right now (as I type away a work). Feel free to comment with your own personal Parker moments.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Daycare Anecdote

Daycare Anecdote
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
"While visiting (classroom) 106, Parker was playing on 106's porch. He began to bang the plexiglass fence and discovered it made a loud noise. Two other friends heard it and joined him. He looked back and smiled."

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker's walking with assistance and pretty well, I must say. I wouldn't be surprised if he was walking on his own in another week or so; not in time for his birthday but I guess close enough. Of course, not walking has never held him back. He's pretty mobile on all fours...and fast. I can only imagine what a handful he'll be when he running on two.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Contemplating by the Family Tree

Contemplating by the Family Tree
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
it's a little blurry but I thought this was a cute shot of Parker in action at daycare. His daycare had us bring family photos in so they could make the family tree that you see handing on the wall. Each kid has one. I like to think Parker's showing Frankie (pictured in the top right corner) this awesome chew toy. Maybe even try to make him jealous.