Holiday Party! I'm one who likes to mix "my worlds" so I love it that two of my worlds -- home and work -- can come together in a fun atmosphere. Working for Disney, that fun atmosphere means Disneyland. Bonus! On the left is another attempt at a family picture. On the right are a few of the guys from work -- Ravi, Geof, and Larry.
Of course, with the parting starting at 8pm, we quickly cut into Parker's bedtime, as you'll notice with his blank stares and heavy lids. He did catch a quick catnap at dinner, which I think helped keep the grumpies subdued.

Here's a shot of Thommy and Geoffrey, who, with Ravi (his first time) and Larry, went to the park with us.
Even though Parker has now been to Disneyland a bunch of times, we've never hit Small World and with it all decked out for the party it seemed like a perfect time to torment the little one. Once again, another attempt at a family photo in front of the ride. I thought will all the pretty lights we'd get a smile out of the little guy...but no luck.

As you can see, Small World was in top form but it wasn't enough to excite Parker.
Hey Parker! Look over there! It's the rare blue walrus who's been hunted to near extinction for it rare gold tusks…Yeah, not working.

That said, we decided to wrap things up early. Not even the Mad Hatter could antagonize Parker to the point to get him to stay.
Family Photo #6. This is the free photo you get at the holiday party. Looking at the shot, we should have opted to stand rather than sit in the (not so attractive) chairs, which I conveniently cropped out. (Makes you wonder why the professional photographer included them in the shot.) I would say that we all should have taken off our jackets but it was just too darn cold.