Friday, December 30, 2005

Dinner & Laughs

The best thing about Chinese restaurants are the round tables where everyone has perfect view of each other, enabling you to catch special moments that might otherwise be lost. Okay, maybe that the 2nd best thing. The best thing about Chinese restaurants is, actually, lazy Susan at those round tables. Genius!

End of Year Romp

End of Year Romp
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
It's raining. Joanie's car's in the shop. Let's go shopping and...gasp!...take the bus! Luckily, there's a bus stop just around the corner from Joanie's house and with a few transfers we were delivered to the mall with only one crying bout. (Luxi fell while we crossed the street and that freaked her out a bit.) And the trip back was even that we were old pros.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Gene Pool

Gene Pool
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Sorry Mom, with 6 people (3 of which are kids) you have to go with the pic with the most open-eyed, alert faces. Here we are, post Xmas 2005 in Tahoe, from left to right, Luxi, Joanie, me, Parker, Niko, and Ahmah/Mom.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Yes, It's Begining to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Finally! Snow! Better late than never. Looks like we'll be hitting the slopes tomorrow.

Xmas Fun

Xmas Fun
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker enjoyed his first Christmas. Both of my little men are playing with the fun train set that Ahmah gave Parker and Niko's feeding the elf that Parker got from Aunt Joanie.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Out And About

Out And About
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Still no (new) snow but the weather was perfect for an outdoor romp. So, Chris and I bundled up the little guy and we headed out with Frankie. (Which is perfect because since I was carrying the baby, Chris was stuck picking up the slimy ball when playing fetch with Frankie) Now that I'm actually using the cold weather gear, I'm realizing that I should have gotten a hat with a bit lower clearance. That's okay. I guess I'm welling to suffer for cuteness.

Coming of Age Carnivore

Coming of Age Carnivore
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker had his first taste of meat today and, well, not sure if it tasted like chicken but the jar said it was (with brown rice). He didn't seem too excited by it...only finishing 1/3 of the jar. Could this be a sign of a veg-head in our midst? (Don't get your hopes up, Kelly.) I'm sure Chris won't let that happen.

Snow Fetch

Call it Virtual Fetch: Part 2 -- Snow Bound. Frankie looks so majestic in this initial frame but motion quickly gives away his goofiness. Enjoy!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Let It...uh, Rain. Let It Rain. Let It Rain.

We're in Tahoe and there's no snow. :o( Instead, we have rain. That said, the kids are in the house finding ways to keep themselves amused. (Yes, Parker will eventually put that toy back in his mouth.)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Up and (sort of) Crawling

We're up in Tahoe and, as predicted, Parker's on track to crawling by Xmas. Here, he's dragged himself to the stairs and can make his way up. Nothing stands in his way. (Not even that sock obstacle.)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Another One Bites the Dust

Once again, Frankie attacked Parker's blue monkey doll. Not sure what they stuff in them but evidently, dogs LOVE it. The question now is whether or not I get Parker another one.

Monday, December 19, 2005

All Better

12/19 - All Better
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
A week after Parker's 9 month check up, we returned to the doctor's office to check on his ear infection. Happily, the antibiotics worked. Parker was all clear, which means he was able to get his 9 month shots and his 2nd flu shots. Parker took both like a trooper. His initial sadness dissolved away as soon as he got tossed in the air a couple of times.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Too Pooped to Pop

Too Pooped to Pop
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So after spending the afternoon (and early evening) at the PetSmart in Pasadena to enroll Frankie in doggie day care, my little guys fell fast asleep on the long ride home.

Why Pasadena for doggie day care, you ask? Well, ideally, when I head up north for the holidays I don't want to go all the way back home to pick up Frankie. Luckily, when I typed in "dog day care" in Google, this program at PetSmart popped up. It was fate! PetSmart is the same place that trained Frankie so they already have gold stars in my book. But we'll see how things go when he actually has his day in camp. If all goes well, this will be a snapshot of my ride up to San Francisco in a couple of weeks.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Finger Foods

Today seemed like a good day as any to give finger foods a try and you know what? Parker really enjoyed playing with these little puff snacks. We didn't even need the usual toys that accompany our dining experience.

Eating the snacks is another story. He just didn't get it. I did pop on is his mouth and he gave me a face like, "Mom, what's this weird thing that's now becoming mush in my mouth?"

Frankie, however, got the whole finger food thing and is loving this new stage in Parker's development. WOOF!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Houston, we have lift off!

Houston, we have lift off!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker's now pushing of the ground and rocking! I predict that we'll see crawling by Christmas.

We went to Parker's 9mo. check-up today. Our little guy has another ear infection but, aside from that, he's doing just fine.

Waiting for the doctor
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
His current stats...

-- Height - 29in (75 percentile)
-- Weight - 18.5 lb (30 percentile)
-- Head Circumference - 47 cm (90 percentile)

All measurements (big and small) are in-line with all his other measurements so there's nothing to worry about.

Yea! No shots! Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
They also did a blood test to make sure he was anemic -- he passed with flying colors. He still has a slight fever, though, which post-poned the shots he was scheduled to take. We'll just have to do it in a couple of weeks when we go in for a follow-up exam for the ear infection.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sick Again

Sick Again
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
...and things have been going so well. Parker had a 102+ fever yesterday so I got a call from day care and, consequently, had to leave work early. From there we went to the doctor but they didn't have a cause for us. His urine test (is this too much information) determined that he didn't have the flu; and, while his ears were red, he didn't have an ear infection. So we just relied on Motrin to keep Parker's temperature down and lots of hugs to keep his spirits up.