Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Running Hot
Well, earlier this week we voluntarily held Parker out of daycare because of his bout with croup. However, with a doctor's note, Parker was back in action. Or so we thought.
This afternoon, though, I got a call from Parker's daycare. He was running a fever of 102.1. Consequently, I had to pick him up immediately and he wouldn't be able to return until 24hour after the fever disappered. DOH!
From the daycare, we went to the doctor's office where they concluded that, on top of the lingering croupy cough, he was suffering from an ear infection, which can cause a fever.
Lil' P's now on antibiotics for the next 10 days. I'm sure his fever will be gone tomorrow; however, since Gram can watch him on Friday, we're going to opt out of daycare for the rest of the week. Hopefully, come Monday, Parker will be in ship-shape. Hell, he needs to be in ship-shape come Saturday because I wanted to take him and Frankie (oh, and Chris) to Lancaster's Bark in the Park.
Posted by
9/28/2005 08:32:00 PM
Labels: Frankie
Monday, September 26, 2005
Just heard from Chris -- post-peds visit -- and Parker has been deemed healthy enough to return to daycare. YEA!
Posted by
9/26/2005 03:35:00 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Feelin' Croupy
Chris dialed 911 as he tore down the road. Plan A was to stop at the fire station on Sierra Highway to get the paramedics to look at Parker. However, because it was dark, we drove right past it and by the time we realized it we figured we should just head to the hospital, especially since Parker seemed to be breathing easier. 911, instead, had us pull over at the next street (Avenue S) where they had the paramedics and an ambulance intercept us. There, it was determined that Parker was suffering from croup -- a respiratory infection that causes the trachea and larynx to swell and can be is easily diagnosed because your baby's coughs sound like a barking seal. (Weird but true.)
So, after an ambulance ride to the hospital, Parker received some sort of humidifier treatment and a dose of an oral steroid to help reduce the swelling in his throat. We finally made it back home around 2am.
Compared to Saturday, Sunday was pretty uneventful. At times, Parker did get a bit wheezy but his voice had more of a sexy Demi Moore scratchiness rather than the abrasive barking from the night before. He'll still be out of daycare for the next couple of days; however, it seems like the worst part is behind us.
Posted by
9/25/2005 10:18:00 PM
Labels: Friends
Friday, September 23, 2005
I should really write more frequently so that my entries will sound less bipolar.
Posted by
9/23/2005 08:04:00 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
What up?!
Chris has been extremely busy at work. He was offered two days of water work on MI3 and immediately jumped at the chance. After the first day (or should I say night as they started work at 5pm), he came home and rattled on and on about gigantic rigs and other stuff that can only be found on big productions. And after day two...well, I didn't get a chance to see him because after "day two" he went to work on his regular show. Yes, after what was at least a 12 hour night shoot, he went to work another 12 to 14 hours! I'm hoping to hear from him before I got to bed just to hear that he's survived the marathon. Plus, Parker and I will go another night without seeing Chris because it seems more prudent for him to sleep "in town" rather than make the trek all the way home.
On another note -- did you see that Jet Blue plane land yesterday? That was amazing! I'm sure everyone will want to personally request that pilot on their next flights.
On a totally different note -- at work the lobby TV's have been on CNN, instead of the usual Cartoon Network. I find it heartbreaking to see the scroll at the side of the screen listing all the missing Gulf Coast children. What's even more devastating, though, was that there were no pictures available for most of those kids. Each of the dark silhouettes they used instead seemed to represent the utter hopelessness a family must be feeling. It really pushes me to get all my family photos scanned and backed up on a remote server...just in case.
Posted by
9/22/2005 10:14:00 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Soup's On
Posted by
9/20/2005 09:57:00 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Make That Two!
Posted by
9/18/2005 11:01:00 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
Daycare Anectode
BTW, here's another one of Parker's now famous head stand, back bends.
Posted by
9/16/2005 10:54:00 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Holy Roller!
I can't help but feel like one of those people who videotapes a friend doing parasailing...but doesn't realize until they actually view the tape weeks later that they have evidence of something extraordinary...say, Bigfoot. I took this video a couple of days ago mainly because I wanted to capture all the great moves that Parker's now doing -- rolls, backbends, headstands, etc. But about a third of the way though, I swear I hear him say "mama" as he reaches for the camera. Am I crazy? You make the call.
That said, my little man will be six months tomorrow. We visited the doctor today so here are his new stats:
- WEIGHT: 16.5 pounds (that's about average)
- HEIGHT: 27 inches (that's a little above average)
- HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 46 centimeters, I think (WAY ABOVE average)
Parker's head is still HUGE. But because the results of the ultrasound (taken a couple of months ago) were normal, the doctor's not worried.
For those of you interested in what Parker's eating, we've tackled rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Next up...I can't decide between yogurt or bananas. I think I might continue to steer clear of fruit just to make sure he embraces less sweet foods; but I did get a couple of jars of bananas, just in case.
Posted by
9/08/2005 10:08:00 PM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Amah comes and goes
Posted by
9/05/2005 12:18:00 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
Running Hot
Earlier this week, Parker had a slight fever that his pediatrician attributed to teething. (Yes, those choppers are coming in!) However, tonight, after an initial bout of fussy sleep, he felt really hot. Taking his temperature (BTW, don't use the thermometer with the letter "R" on it...Trust me. You don't want that anywhere near your mouth.), I discovered that he was running a fever of 102.9. Soon afterwards, I'm on the phone with the pediatrician and it appears lil' P is a bit under the weather; however, nothing that should be considered an emergency. So, after a dose of Tylenol and a bottle, he's back in bed. Hopefully, he isn't too uncomfortable tonight.
Posted by
9/02/2005 10:44:00 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
New Orleans
I've only been to New Orleans once, for my brother's wedding in '92. (Luckily, his wife's family, who lives a couple of hours out of New Orleans, are fine.) After the wedding, I accompanied my mom, her brother, three of her sisters, and my grandma on a sight-seeing tour of New Orleans, specifically, the French Quarter. What stuck me was how rich the town was in history and character. (Oh, and the drive-thru daqueri stands. Yeah. That's a bad idea.)
Now, watching the news, I'm absolutely floored. It kills me to think of the thousands of people who placed their trust in "the system" only to find themselves with nothing. Men, women, and children are dying not from the actual hurricane but from a failure of their government and public services.
I guess, coming from earthquake country, it's hard for me to understand how we can be so unprepared when you know the disaster is coming. Granted, I don't think anyone thought it would have been this devistating; however, they knew it was going to be bad. Shouldn't all emergency services have been on alert, ready to go into action at least as soon as the storm passed? Or doesn't this come down to the have's and have not's. With the have's evacuated, the have not's are left to fend for themselves.
Posted by
9/01/2005 10:08:00 PM