Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yin and Yang

On a brighter note, not only did Parker FINALLY roll over (from tummy to back) but I caught it on video and have uploaded it so you all can share in this big moment.

When it rains...

When it rains...
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
More sad news...

Silly is very sick. She had been hiding all day yesterday -- nothing new. However, when we decided to bring her out from under the playpen, we saw that she was extremely lethargic. We brought her to her bed and decided to wait the night and see if things looked different in the morning. Unfortunately, we weren't that lucky so we took her to the emergency clinic this morning where they said she's suffering from kidney failure. Currently, she's on an IV and we'll have to wait and see how things progress over the next night. Tomorrow, I'll transport her to our regular vet. From what I've read over the net, there's no cure; however, she could have month's or, if we're lucky, years left in her. There's no telling for sure.

Keep your fingers crossed we get good news from our vet tomorrow.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Today was our first attempt at feeding Parker solid food -- thinned rice cereal, to be specific. I say "attempt" because I've read that it can take 10 to 15 attempts before Parker gets the idea of solid food. As predicted, he pretty much spit out everything we shoveled into his mouth. If he takes after me, though, I anticipate him catching on to this food thing pretty soon. :o)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Splish Splash

Splish Splash
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So you knew I eventually had to post the bath shot. Luckily for Parker, his bit 'n' pieces are discretely covered. :o) Actually, he's now starting to show some interest in the bath experience and, as soon as he can sit up on his own, I'm sure he'll have an even better time playing with his bath toys.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


So we had our cranial ultrasound appointment and have no fear...everything's a-okay. As we guessed...Parker just has a big head. Phew!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
I knew this would happen when he got his evening feeding (which he demanded around 10pm, about an hour or 2 earlier than when I usually wake him for it). He was going to wake up earlier than the norm this morning as a result.

So around 2am I hear a moan. It's Parker. He doesn't really out 'n' out cry when he wakes up. Usually what happens is that, half-awake, he become fidgety and as a result begins inching his way across his crib. The moan usually starts when he hits the top of his crib...roadblock. It continues along with the inching so that by the time I actually get to him, he's turned 90 degrees and inched into a corner.

A clean diaper and a warm bottle later, he's back in his crib, dreaming about what all little boys dreams about -- clean diapers and warm bottles. Ah...the good life.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

All Hail the Milk Beard

All Hail the Milk Beard
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
I never thought about it but the milk mustache is the evolution of the milk beard. Actually, I guess it's more of a milk goatee. That trendy.

He who nose no limits...

He who nose no limits...
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
You can pick your nose.
You can pick your friends.
But you can't pick your friend's nose.

Lately, Parker has had a tendency to grab my lip or stick his fingers up my nose. No reason. It's just what happens, I guess. So, for Parker this verse would need to be rewritten...

You can pick your nose.
You can pick your parent's nose.
But you can't pick your parents.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Doctor's Visit

Parker had his 4 month check-up today. Things are looking good. Actually, he seemed to experience a growth spurt. At 25cm and 14lb 11oz, he's now in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. A big jump from his previous 10th percentile stats, which caused Dr. Mike to exclaim, "Woah! 5 pounds!"

I'm sure this is not surprise for those of you who have seen Parker's gigantic head but I guess his noggin had an even bigger growth spurt, which at 44 put it in the 75th percentile. The growth was so dramatic that they remeasured his head several times. Even though Dr. Mike is sure everything's fine, we're going to have an ultrasound done on that melon...just in case.

**sigh** My little boy is growing up.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

We'll Miss You, Addison

We'll Miss You, Addison
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Around 10 o'clock this evening, Addison passed away. He would have been 3 years old this September.

I guess I should be thankful for the time I did have with him. He was the sweetest little thing. Always thoughtful and patient, even for such a young boy. I'll always remember him in his front yard, swinging their tire swing -- laughing while asking to be pushed higher and higher.

In the end, however, I can't help but feel cheated. I wish his life wouldn't have ended like this.

Holding out for hope

Addison's vitals were looking a bit better this morning so we all can't help but hope that this may be the turning point. Please keep thinking positive thoughts for Addison.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

No easy way to say goodbye

I got the call from Chris around 2 in the afternoon. Addison went into arrest. He may go anytime now.

I dropped everything and headed for UCLA with Parker in tow. On the way, I picked up Chris from work.

Entering the ICU, we saw Addison lying unresponsive in his bed, trapped behind an unfamiliar, swollen face that masked the little boy we all love so dearly. Tubes were everywhere, connecting him to a growing arsenal of life support machinery. At the foot of his bed, Eric and Amy wept as their greatest fear became more of a reality.

In some ways, this reminded me of my father's last days in the ICU. You're filled with utter despair and helplessness as the situation refuses to turnaround. You wonder what good is modern science if it doesn't help you when you need it most? Eventually, you're forced to decided whether or not to let go. But how? With my father, we chose to remove him from life support based on the man he was and what we believed he would have wanted. A tough decision but still a hundred times easier than the decision Eric and Amy have to make. Addison is just under 3 years old. He hasn't grown, seen the world, or defined his perspective on life. There's no easy way to let go, especially after fighting so hard for so long.

The doctors have suggested they wait 24 hours before making any decision.

I guess this is it. A last chance for God and science. Will either answer our prayers?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

I've got mine...what about you?

Yes...I've purchased the latest Harry Potter book and it arrived today in the mail. However, I'm not going to start reading it until I've finished "Kite Runner", the book that I'm currently reading for my book club. *GASP* I know. I'm sure my former HP collegues are turning their backs on me in shame; however, my book club is meeting next week and I'm not even close to finishing the book so I need to demonstrate restraint and focus on the book at hand.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Have no fear...

The fire has been contained. Luckily, it didn't get much farther than what was depicted in the last post. Plus, with the wind blowing away from us, we were left with no smokey smell. Nice! :o)

Not Again

Not Again
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
And we're just about on the 1 year anniversary of last year's Crown Fire. The flames are still a bit away and (based on the direction of the smoke) it seems to be moving in the opposite direction. However, it still can't hurt to start thinking of what needs to be evacuated...if necessary. Gotta go!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Addison Update

A few of you have asked for an update on Addison. Unfortunately, things haven't gotten better for the little guy. Currently, he's in the ICU suffering from complications from the second bone marrow transplant and he needs platelet donations. (Normally, I would now start asking for A positive donors but the doctors want to utilize a steady supply from family to minimize complications. However, if you're A positive and willing to be a regular donor for Addison, let me never know if your services may become necessary.)

The Bakersfield Californian ran this story a couple of weeks ago. (See below.) It also included a picture, but I couldn't bear posting it. Addison's appearance has changed so much since when I last saw him a few months ago; it absolutely crushes me. I can't help but selfishly thank God Parker's healthy. Then again, we thought Addison was healthy when he was Parker's age. Oy...don't get me started. Worrying becomes a vicious cycle.

Once again, please keep Addison in your thoughts and prayers.

'He's such a trooper': Boy battles bubble boy disease
Tehachapi toddler battling illness known as bubble boy disease at UCLA Medical Center
By NADA BEHZIZ, Californian staff writer

Addison Trillo almost never cries. The 30-month-old Tehachapi boy loves giving hugs and always has a faint smile when he wakes from his medication.

Addison takes 20 medications a day and just had his second bone marrow transplant. "He's such a trooper. He's our hero. You can kick him to the ground and he can get right back up," said Amy Trillo, Addison's mother.

He's been at UCLA Medical Center for six months suffering from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder, better known as the bubble boy disease.

People with the disease have low levels of T-cells, white blood cells that fight off infections. Without enough T-cells, the body cannot resist infections that can often result in death.

Usually, the disorder is treated with bone marrow transplants.

In one rare case in the 1970s, an infant lived in a plastic bubble to avoid germs when a marrow match wasn't found. But Addison doesn't live in a plastic bubble like the famed David Vetter, who lived in his germ-free bubble for 12 years.

In fact, Vetter was the only boy with the disease who ever lived in a plastic bubble.

Instead doctors are treating Addison with transplants using his father's marrow, hoping to build up his immune system so it can fight off infections. The prognosis isn't good.

The first transplant in February failed and there are complications with the second transplant.

His old T-cells and the new ones still are fighting to take over his body.

If this battle doesn't end in victory, it means round three of transplants.

"The minute you get excited and optimistic, something else bad happens," Mrs. Trillo said. "We're hoping we're not going to have to go through the third bone marrow transplant."

Addison's life is bleak. He has been confined to a bed in a Los Angeles hospital for six months. There are no children to play with. His only friend is his overstuffed blue rabbit, which sits on his bed. Mom stays with him most days and drives back to Tehachapi regularly. Dad comes when he can.

The toddler is so weak from infections that he cannot speak. When his father calls from Tehachapi and wraps up with a "I love you," Addison cannot answer back.

Research shows that about one in every 100,000 to 500,000 babies have the disease. But experts say the disorder is more common than that because many patients die before the disease is recognized.

Some experts say a simple, inexpensive blood test performed at birth to screen for immune disorders could dramatically increase chances of survival for babies born with the disease.

"The disease is a pediatric emergency," said Rebecca Buckley, a professor of Duke University Medical Center's division of pediatric allergy and immunology. "There is no screening for any primary immunodeficiency disease at birth or during childhood and adulthood in any country."

The National Human Genome Research Institute has developed a new test that detects the disease.

In Addison's case, it took almost a year for him to be properly diagnosed.

His parents took him to a number of doctors before he was diagnosed with the disease at UCLA in January.

"He was falling apart and they couldn't tell me what it was," Mrs. Trillo said. "My kid was dying and you're not going to sit around, you're gonna want a second opinion."

If a third transplant is necessary in Addison's case, doctors will draw from an umbilical cord blood bank instead of using his father's marrow.

Umbilical cord blood, routinely discarded after birth, is rich in stem cells, which can be used to treat many disorders such as Addison's.

Even without the third transplant, doctors expect Addison to stay in the hospital for at least two months to get his immune system up to speed.

If the transplants fail, doctors can't say what will happen to him.

So far, he keeps pulling through, and his parents plan to keep giving him the chance to do that.

"You have those moments that you get really down, but we can't lose him now," Mrs. Trillo said. "It's not going to happen to him, that kid has suffered too much."

Monday, July 11, 2005

Month 4 and counting

Month 4 and counting
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So I read that feedings can become frustrating at this age because he's easily distracted. Oh my's like they've been in my living room the last few days watching us. And I thought he was becoming...god forbid...a fussy eater. Looks like we'll be moving Parker's feedings out of the TV room and to a place a bit more boring.

As for rolling over, Parker still hasn't made the tummy to back transition. However, while on his back, he is very adept at rolling from side to side. I guess, you've got to embrace the baby steps.

Friday, July 08, 2005

What's the buzz?

What's the buzz?
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Actually, this is probably the most exciting thing that's happened to me and Parker in the last couple of days...yes, that's nothing.

Being a bad mommy and host, I forgot to take pictures of the pool party so I have nothing to show you guys. However, I must say, it was a very fun party. Lots of fun in the water and we even got a rip-roaring game of poker going. As for Parker...well he was just his usual charming self. He hung out with everyone. At times, when I stopped to catch my breath I would wonder..."Hmmmm, now where's my baby?" (Again...bad mommy!) But have no fear, he was usually smiling away in someone's arms. (He's such a flirt!)

Well, I guess that's the update for now. My mom flies into town today so Parker's going to get some good ahmah ("grandma" in Chinese) time.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rachael's Fine

For those of you who know her, I thought I'd share this note that I received from Rachael...

I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine.

For those who don't know I now work in central London at Nickelodeon a few streets away from 2 of the explosion sites. Luckily all of our company has been accounted for and everyone is fine. The police have given us the okay now to leave the building if absolutely necessary - a nice reassurance that I will be allowed to go home at some point.

I was walking from my train station to the underground when we heard that it was closed. With no more information, I met up with a colleague and walked the rest of the way to work. It was only as we got to work and were immediately checked in and told that we were now quarantined inside that we were made aware of what happened and began to watch the tv.

Just as those who've been through similar events experienced, the city is eerily quiet with very little traffic or people on the road and the sirens are blaring. However life goes on and despite the underground and buses still not running, the major train stations have started to open again though with delays of course. Everyone has rallied together and the spirit is high in a 'we'll get through this' sort of sense.