Over time, I've discovered that I've become less and less facinated by the internet. There's a lot of garbage out there so I tend to log on and follow the same browsing pattern, which can me online (not including email downloading) for about 20 minutes max.
That said, I figured I'd give you a bit of insight as to what occupies my online time.
My browser opens to my "My Yahoo" page which has headlines, my pregancy calendar, word of the day, etc.
After a quick browse, I start hitting my usual blogs, which I now have listed in the sidebar of this blog (under "Links").
- "The Girls" - my sister's blog dedicated to her daughters, Luxi and Niko. This is the site that inspired this one. Of course, I have no baby yet to talk about but I'm sure, in time, Parker's activities will take over the content of this site. What I love about "The Girls" is that it gives me a chance to know what's going on in my nieces lives even though I live hundreds of miles away. (BTW, if you're just checking out the site you'll discover that both nieces were in the hospital. Note the past tense. Luxi and Niko are now fine. Joanie just hasn't updated her blog.)
- "They're Comming to Get You" - my writing partner's site, which not only deals with his obsessin with horror movies but I guess can be seen as a update on his (and consequently, since we're partners, my) writing progress (or, as it happens at times, our lack of progress).
- "Aimee in Chaos" - speaking of writing, this site belongs to Aimee, the ultimate writing critic -- and I mean that in a good way. Aimee is the go-to-girl whenever Thommy and I need an honest opinion on our writing and, let me tell ya, she doesn't hold back the punches. Maybe we're gluttons for punishment but it's great to have someone one who doesn't waste your time trying to spare your feelings. (BTW, since there's no spell/grammar check feature on this blog generator, I'm sure Aimee will find plenty of errors in this post, which I'm sure she will eventually comment on.)
- "everything eric" - another friend's site, which covers the gammit of everyday insights to Kylie Manogue updates. (BTW Eric, since it's been years since my one html class [the knowledge of which I don't regularly use so it can be pretty much be considered forgotten], I guess I should confess. I stole your "Links" coding for this site [maybe "borrored" is the better word since your site hasn't been altered]. So, uh, Thanks! Sorry I'm such a lazy bum.)
- As lastly, the only "celebrity" sites I read on a regular basis -- Wil Wheaton's and Moby's. I think what I like about both of these sites is that they're not about being famous. Rather they cover issues that I think we all are facing -- whether that be politics, family, and work.
That's pretty much it for my virtual cruising. I guess, though, with this blog, I will be online even longer; however, I'll be writing, not surfing.