Friday, December 30, 2005

Dinner & Laughs

The best thing about Chinese restaurants are the round tables where everyone has perfect view of each other, enabling you to catch special moments that might otherwise be lost. Okay, maybe that the 2nd best thing. The best thing about Chinese restaurants is, actually, lazy Susan at those round tables. Genius!

End of Year Romp

End of Year Romp
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
It's raining. Joanie's car's in the shop. Let's go shopping and...gasp!...take the bus! Luckily, there's a bus stop just around the corner from Joanie's house and with a few transfers we were delivered to the mall with only one crying bout. (Luxi fell while we crossed the street and that freaked her out a bit.) And the trip back was even that we were old pros.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Gene Pool

Gene Pool
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Sorry Mom, with 6 people (3 of which are kids) you have to go with the pic with the most open-eyed, alert faces. Here we are, post Xmas 2005 in Tahoe, from left to right, Luxi, Joanie, me, Parker, Niko, and Ahmah/Mom.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Yes, It's Begining to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Finally! Snow! Better late than never. Looks like we'll be hitting the slopes tomorrow.

Xmas Fun

Xmas Fun
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker enjoyed his first Christmas. Both of my little men are playing with the fun train set that Ahmah gave Parker and Niko's feeding the elf that Parker got from Aunt Joanie.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Out And About

Out And About
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Still no (new) snow but the weather was perfect for an outdoor romp. So, Chris and I bundled up the little guy and we headed out with Frankie. (Which is perfect because since I was carrying the baby, Chris was stuck picking up the slimy ball when playing fetch with Frankie) Now that I'm actually using the cold weather gear, I'm realizing that I should have gotten a hat with a bit lower clearance. That's okay. I guess I'm welling to suffer for cuteness.

Coming of Age Carnivore

Coming of Age Carnivore
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker had his first taste of meat today and, well, not sure if it tasted like chicken but the jar said it was (with brown rice). He didn't seem too excited by it...only finishing 1/3 of the jar. Could this be a sign of a veg-head in our midst? (Don't get your hopes up, Kelly.) I'm sure Chris won't let that happen.

Snow Fetch

Call it Virtual Fetch: Part 2 -- Snow Bound. Frankie looks so majestic in this initial frame but motion quickly gives away his goofiness. Enjoy!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Let It...uh, Rain. Let It Rain. Let It Rain.

We're in Tahoe and there's no snow. :o( Instead, we have rain. That said, the kids are in the house finding ways to keep themselves amused. (Yes, Parker will eventually put that toy back in his mouth.)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Up and (sort of) Crawling

We're up in Tahoe and, as predicted, Parker's on track to crawling by Xmas. Here, he's dragged himself to the stairs and can make his way up. Nothing stands in his way. (Not even that sock obstacle.)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Another One Bites the Dust

Once again, Frankie attacked Parker's blue monkey doll. Not sure what they stuff in them but evidently, dogs LOVE it. The question now is whether or not I get Parker another one.

Monday, December 19, 2005

All Better

12/19 - All Better
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
A week after Parker's 9 month check up, we returned to the doctor's office to check on his ear infection. Happily, the antibiotics worked. Parker was all clear, which means he was able to get his 9 month shots and his 2nd flu shots. Parker took both like a trooper. His initial sadness dissolved away as soon as he got tossed in the air a couple of times.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Too Pooped to Pop

Too Pooped to Pop
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So after spending the afternoon (and early evening) at the PetSmart in Pasadena to enroll Frankie in doggie day care, my little guys fell fast asleep on the long ride home.

Why Pasadena for doggie day care, you ask? Well, ideally, when I head up north for the holidays I don't want to go all the way back home to pick up Frankie. Luckily, when I typed in "dog day care" in Google, this program at PetSmart popped up. It was fate! PetSmart is the same place that trained Frankie so they already have gold stars in my book. But we'll see how things go when he actually has his day in camp. If all goes well, this will be a snapshot of my ride up to San Francisco in a couple of weeks.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Finger Foods

Today seemed like a good day as any to give finger foods a try and you know what? Parker really enjoyed playing with these little puff snacks. We didn't even need the usual toys that accompany our dining experience.

Eating the snacks is another story. He just didn't get it. I did pop on is his mouth and he gave me a face like, "Mom, what's this weird thing that's now becoming mush in my mouth?"

Frankie, however, got the whole finger food thing and is loving this new stage in Parker's development. WOOF!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Houston, we have lift off!

Houston, we have lift off!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker's now pushing of the ground and rocking! I predict that we'll see crawling by Christmas.

We went to Parker's 9mo. check-up today. Our little guy has another ear infection but, aside from that, he's doing just fine.

Waiting for the doctor
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
His current stats...

-- Height - 29in (75 percentile)
-- Weight - 18.5 lb (30 percentile)
-- Head Circumference - 47 cm (90 percentile)

All measurements (big and small) are in-line with all his other measurements so there's nothing to worry about.

Yea! No shots! Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
They also did a blood test to make sure he was anemic -- he passed with flying colors. He still has a slight fever, though, which post-poned the shots he was scheduled to take. We'll just have to do it in a couple of weeks when we go in for a follow-up exam for the ear infection.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sick Again

Sick Again
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
...and things have been going so well. Parker had a 102+ fever yesterday so I got a call from day care and, consequently, had to leave work early. From there we went to the doctor but they didn't have a cause for us. His urine test (is this too much information) determined that he didn't have the flu; and, while his ears were red, he didn't have an ear infection. So we just relied on Motrin to keep Parker's temperature down and lots of hugs to keep his spirits up.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Now Can We Impeach?

I mean really. If it was good enough for Clinton... (Dare I warn you about staying away from the blue dress-ing.)

Anyway, just wanted to send you all off with a positive thought this long holiday weekend.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Has it been that long?

Sorry for the delay in posts but I started a new job last week (don't get too excited...It's just a six month temp gig) and it's taken me a bit of time to get used to the changes associated with being at a new place with new hours...Not to mention daylight savings, getting over a cold, etc. The family now, though, seems to be in tip-top shape. After three antibiotics, Parker has finally gotten over his ear infection. We even think he may have a few more teeth coming. (Will upload pictures when I can hold him still enough to get a clear visual and the little buggers.)

Of course, as things begin to settle in our busy lives, it becomes more evident that the holidays are coming and how far behind I already am with craft projects, card ideas, and gift purchases. I'm really going to have to sit down this weekend and set up a timeline if everything's going to get done. (Keep your fingers crossed!)

So let me think...Stress over new job...Stress over holidays...hmmmm, I think that may be it...for now. I'm sure if I sleep on it I'll come up with more things to worry about. Well, on the bright side, at least we're going over to Chris' brother's house for Thanksgiving. That's definitely one less thing to worry about. (Of course, he will be deep frying a turkey over there...uggg...More stress. Where's that fire extinguisher?)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Crowd Pleaser

Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Okay now, Parker. Do that move that you always do. You know the one.

Oh yeah! That's it.

Oh So Sexy Baby

Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.

Sexy Baby!

Sexy Baby!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
This jumpsuit inspired me to do another bed photo shoot of Parker. I tell ya...little girls are cute when they're dressed as princesses and fairies. Little boys look their best when they're dressed like old men. Do not get those concepts confused.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Daycare Anecdote

"While rolling on the floor Parker stopped and looked through the tunnel where he spotted Shelley on the other side. Shelly said, 'Peek-a-boo! I see you!' and Parker smiled."

Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Fever

Well, Parker ended his day at daycare today with a fever so not only will there not be any trick-or-treating but he'll be spending the day with Daddy tomorrow at home.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Let's Make a Deal

Let's Make a Deal
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Later that day, I caught Parker and Frankie in deep discussions. I think they somehow involved Mickey Mouse but I can't be sure. Neither will spill the beans to me.

Maisy Time

Maisy Time
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Here's Parker watching his favorite show -- Maisy -- in his favorite position -- the back bend. Should I be worried?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Me and My Shadow

Me and My Shadow
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
A stop at the market got us home a bit later than usual. So as we played fetch with Frankie in the dark, I thought I'd capture our shadows. Guess which one is Parker.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Yoga Master

Yoga Master
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Parker shows "Other Eric" a complex yoga move...or they're having another air guitar competition.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Patient Monkey

Patient Monkey
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Yes, he tolerates mommy and the crazy clothes she dresses him in.


Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
This weekend we had a trial run of Parker's Halloween costume. It's a little warm but cute nonetheless.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Yoda is who I'm most like

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

So I took the "Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" quiz and found out I'm "a venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light." Yes...that's Yoda.

"Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not - for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life greets it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminescent beings are we, not this crude matter! You must feel the Force around you, everywhere."

I guess that's better than the "cyborg" label that Thommy always gives me.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Day Care Anectode

"Parker rolled to his side and discovered Patrick (the starfish) next to him. He vocalized out loud as he explored Patrick's face."

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Auto Update

Well, the good news is that nothing major was damaged in my car. However, there's mud everywhere, including places where it shouldn't -- like my fuel injectors, oil, transmission -- plus my cooling fan was totaled. So, aside from replacing the fan (which is the big ticket item at $400+), my car will get a cleaning (inside 'n' out), leaving my wallet almost (but not quite) $700 lighter. **sigh** Well, at least I won't have to worry about changing the oil for another 3000 miles.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good News

Well, when I called Saturn to let them know my car wasn't going to be delivered today by AAA, they reminded me that I had an extended warrenty which includes roadside assistance.

Long story short, my car is now at Saturn, **gulp** awaiting the initial diagnosis. Keep your fingers crossed for more good news.

AAAbsolutely SSSucks

Well, if you ever need to be towed but you're not on a prestine piece of asphalt under sunny (but not too hot) skies...don't count on AAA to be there. Got the final call from AAA. They won't come out today. However, they will tomorrow, when the weather's better.

Let's say, I'm a bit disappointed. Luckily, I'm not stranded...just inconvenienced.

Of course...

Now that my car's paid for, I've gone and put it out of commission. If you're out here in Southern California, you're aware that it's raining. If you've been to my house, you're familiar with my dirt road. Rain + dirt road = river that covers rocks in the road which hit the undercarriage of your car and break things. Luckily, I wasn't far from home because I had to put on the raincoat and boots that I store in my trunk and hike the rest of the way.

Interesting note, I discovered this morning that you can request AAA through the internet. Pretty cool and the dispatch is issued pretty quickly because soon after that my mother-in-law (who, trapped at my house, is conveniently available to watch Parker) received a call from High Desert Towing (I think that's their name) saying that they we're going refuse the call. **sigh** Hopefully, AAA will find another taker, otherwise I'll have to sick Chris "Irate Customer" Trillo after them.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Under the Weather

Under the Weather
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So I got a call from Parker's day care yesterday. His croupy cough was back. So I left work early and took him to the pediatrician. His lungs were clear. He probably was just suffering from a cold. But he still had an ear infection. So this weekend will be one of antibiotics (for the ear infection), humidifiers (for the cough), and if things get worse -- the croupy cough that just won't stop -- I have a back-up prescription of steroids. But that's only in case of an emergency. Hopefully, it won't get to that. In the meantime, I'm just going to try to get the little guy to get plenty of sleep.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Victim of Love

Victim of Love
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
This is what happens when I arrive home too late to play ball with Frankie. Unfortunately, for Blue Monkey, that engergy has to go somewhere.

Usually, I'm able to catch Frankie before he absolutely guts Parker's toys (case in point...the plush Mickey rattle from Geoffrey, which in the end only lost one ear). However, I think this happened while I was watching Alias and scraping something edible together during commercial breaks.

Looks like I'll have to make a trip into town to visit Freehand and purchase another monkey as it's one of Parker's favorites.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Mani Pedi Daddy

Mani Pedi Daddy
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
As you can see, Chris finds it very important to educate lil' P about the mani/pedi.

We actually started the day with an eye appointment for me where they hooked Parker up with a free exam since we had extra time in the appointment. After a series of tests that involved lights, lenses and finger puppets, it was determined that Parker's eyes were in working order.

Afterwards we headed for Larry's where Chris and I got manicures and pedicures. Aaaaaaah. Larry is the best and I highly recommend him, especially if you're in the Santa Monica/Venice area.

We rounded off the evening with dinner and a movie at Thommy and Geoffrey's.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Day Care Anecdote

Got another day care anecdote:
"Shelley offered the barn activity center to Parker as he was playig on his tummy. Parker discovered the gears and pushed the handle, causing them to spin."

Did someone say "gears"? Hmmm, sounds like something I should get Chris.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Clap Happy

Parker's now clapping! He initially showed off his moves to Chris but later he felt confident enough applaud mommy. Check him out!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Bark in the Park

Bark in the Park
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Frankie got a treat today. Lancaster had their annual Bark in the Park and we (Frankie, Parker, and I) wen to check it out. There were dogs everywhere! Booth featuring all kinds of dog supplies, treats, and organizations. Plus there were a few activity booths. My favorite was "Race the Wind" where they use a radar gun to measure how fast your dog runs. Frankie -- 33 mph, and that was without a warm-up! Plus, in the 12-2pm heat, he was the fastest large dog, which earned us a t-shirt. I think Frankie's favorite booth, though, was "Finders Keepers" where your dog goes into a pen and gets the keep the first thing he finds. The incentive for the human is that a few of the items have numbers which are linked to prizes. While we didn't earn a "human prize", we did get a tennis ball which Frankie obsessed over for the rest of the outing. (Unfortunately, since he had to be on a leash at the event, his chances for a game of fetch were pretty close to none.)

Friday, September 30, 2005

Woo! Hoo!

Woo! Hoo!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
I guess all the little buggies in the neighborhood heard the news and came over to celebrate on my car. What news you ask? That my car is now officially mine. The last payment was made earlier this month and I got the title in the mail today. (Obviously, the big party animal is the stick bug at the rear of the car.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Running Hot

Well, earlier this week we voluntarily held Parker out of daycare because of his bout with croup. However, with a doctor's note, Parker was back in action. Or so we thought.

This afternoon, though, I got a call from Parker's daycare. He was running a fever of 102.1. Consequently, I had to pick him up immediately and he wouldn't be able to return until 24hour after the fever disappered. DOH!

From the daycare, we went to the doctor's office where they concluded that, on top of the lingering croupy cough, he was suffering from an ear infection, which can cause a fever.

Lil' P's now on antibiotics for the next 10 days. I'm sure his fever will be gone tomorrow; however, since Gram can watch him on Friday, we're going to opt out of daycare for the rest of the week. Hopefully, come Monday, Parker will be in ship-shape. Hell, he needs to be in ship-shape come Saturday because I wanted to take him and Frankie (oh, and Chris) to Lancaster's Bark in the Park.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Just heard from Chris -- post-peds visit -- and Parker has been deemed healthy enough to return to daycare. YEA!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Feelin' Croupy

Feelin' Croupy
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Saturday evening started out as a relaxing dinner and movie at Thommy and Geoffrey's house but ended with an anxious trip to the emergency room. Around 9pm, I went to check on Parker, who was sleeping in T&G's guest room and noticed that his normal snores has become more labored. I picked him up and by the time I got him to Chris in the living room, Parker was wheezing. We quickly gathered our things and headed out.

Chris dialed 911 as he tore down the road. Plan A was to stop at the fire station on Sierra Highway to get the paramedics to look at Parker. However, because it was dark, we drove right past it and by the time we realized it we figured we should just head to the hospital, especially since Parker seemed to be breathing easier. 911, instead, had us pull over at the next street (Avenue S) where they had the paramedics and an ambulance intercept us. There, it was determined that Parker was suffering from croup -- a respiratory infection that causes the trachea and larynx to swell and can be is easily diagnosed because your baby's coughs sound like a barking seal. (Weird but true.)

So, after an ambulance ride to the hospital, Parker received some sort of humidifier treatment and a dose of an oral steroid to help reduce the swelling in his throat. We finally made it back home around 2am.

Compared to Saturday, Sunday was pretty uneventful. At times, Parker did get a bit wheezy but his voice had more of a sexy Demi Moore scratchiness rather than the abrasive barking from the night before. He'll still be out of daycare for the next couple of days; however, it seems like the worst part is behind us.

Friday, September 23, 2005


I should really write more frequently so that my entries will sound less bipolar.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

What up?!

What up?!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Nothing much is happening on our end so I figured I'd post another shot from this weekend. Once again, Parker's on his back...actually, he's created an arch using his head and feet to thrust his body in the air. That said, I guess he's not truly on his back.

Chris has been extremely busy at work. He was offered two days of water work on MI3 and immediately jumped at the chance. After the first day (or should I say night as they started work at 5pm), he came home and rattled on and on about gigantic rigs and other stuff that can only be found on big productions. And after day two...well, I didn't get a chance to see him because after "day two" he went to work on his regular show. Yes, after what was at least a 12 hour night shoot, he went to work another 12 to 14 hours! I'm hoping to hear from him before I got to bed just to hear that he's survived the marathon. Plus, Parker and I will go another night without seeing Chris because it seems more prudent for him to sleep "in town" rather than make the trek all the way home.

On another note -- did you see that Jet Blue plane land yesterday? That was amazing! I'm sure everyone will want to personally request that pilot on their next flights.

On a totally different note -- at work the lobby TV's have been on CNN, instead of the usual Cartoon Network. I find it heartbreaking to see the scroll at the side of the screen listing all the missing Gulf Coast children. What's even more devastating, though, was that there were no pictures available for most of those kids. Each of the dark silhouettes they used instead seemed to represent the utter hopelessness a family must be feeling. It really pushes me to get all my family photos scanned and backed up on a remote server...just in case.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Soup's On

Soup's On
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So, when it's time for Parker's dinner, I try to also have mine ready so we can eat together. I guess I figure that he'll get a sense that dinner is more than just me feeding him but rather a time for us to enjoy each others company. Of course, that means I've got to throw something quick together as Parker's not likely to sit around and wait for me to cook a five course meal. (Hello, did someone say it was getting a bit chilly in Hades?) Tonight, dinner consisted of soup for me and peas for Parker. Hey, but my soup was Wolfgang Puck's. And Parker's peas? Gerber's. Organic Gerber's.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Make That Two!

Make That Two!
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
Look very closely. Yup, that's not just one tooth coming in but TWO!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Daycare Anectode

Daycare Anectode
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So Parker's daycare has started this practice of writing down anecdotes for the parents so we can keep up on all the interesting things our little ones are doing. For his first one, this is what I got, "Parker rolled over to the small mattress and scratched his nails across the edging of the mattress causing a sound." Hmmmm...sounds like it's time for me to trim Parker's nails.

BTW, here's another one of Parker's now famous head stand, back bends.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Holy Roller!

I can't help but feel like one of those people who videotapes a friend doing parasailing...but doesn't realize until they actually view the tape weeks later that they have evidence of something extraordinary...say, Bigfoot. I took this video a couple of days ago mainly because I wanted to capture all the great moves that Parker's now doing -- rolls, backbends, headstands, etc. But about a third of the way though, I swear I hear him say "mama" as he reaches for the camera. Am I crazy? You make the call.

That said, my little man will be six months tomorrow. We visited the doctor today so here are his new stats:
- WEIGHT: 16.5 pounds (that's about average)
- HEIGHT: 27 inches (that's a little above average)
- HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 46 centimeters, I think (WAY ABOVE average)

Parker's head is still HUGE. But because the results of the ultrasound (taken a couple of months ago) were normal, the doctor's not worried.

For those of you interested in what Parker's eating, we've tackled rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Next up...I can't decide between yogurt or bananas. I think I might continue to steer clear of fruit just to make sure he embraces less sweet foods; but I did get a couple of jars of bananas, just in case.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Amah comes and goes

Amah comes and goes
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
My mom came to visit with Parker. Even though he was under-the-weather, Parker enjoyed the visit. Actually, he spent most of Friday with Chris' mom so, when my mom arrived later that day, he got an extra special double dose of grandma action.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Running Hot

Earlier this week, Parker had a slight fever that his pediatrician attributed to teething. (Yes, those choppers are coming in!) However, tonight, after an initial bout of fussy sleep, he felt really hot. Taking his temperature (BTW, don't use the thermometer with the letter "R" on it...Trust me. You don't want that anywhere near your mouth.), I discovered that he was running a fever of 102.9. Soon afterwards, I'm on the phone with the pediatrician and it appears lil' P is a bit under the weather; however, nothing that should be considered an emergency. So, after a dose of Tylenol and a bottle, he's back in bed. Hopefully, he isn't too uncomfortable tonight.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans

French Quarter
I've only been to New Orleans once, for my brother's wedding in '92. (Luckily, his wife's family, who lives a couple of hours out of New Orleans, are fine.) After the wedding, I accompanied my mom, her brother, three of her sisters, and my grandma on a sight-seeing tour of New Orleans, specifically, the French Quarter. What stuck me was how rich the town was in history and character. (Oh, and the drive-thru daqueri stands. Yeah. That's a bad idea.)

Now, watching the news, I'm absolutely floored. It kills me to think of the thousands of people who placed their trust in "the system" only to find themselves with nothing. Men, women, and children are dying not from the actual hurricane but from a failure of their government and public services.

I guess, coming from earthquake country, it's hard for me to understand how we can be so unprepared when you know the disaster is coming. Granted, I don't think anyone thought it would have been this devistating; however, they knew it was going to be bad. Shouldn't all emergency services have been on alert, ready to go into action at least as soon as the storm passed? Or doesn't this come down to the have's and have not's. With the have's evacuated, the have not's are left to fend for themselves.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
By the way, my latest commute soundtrack is a collection of Ooooo's, Aaaah's, and raspberries courtesy of Parker. Lucky for me, he's pretty content in the car -- especially when he has toys, books, and feet to keep him occupied.

Time Flies...

Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
My-o-my. Time can sure get away from you. As I mentioned earlier, I went back to work last Wednesday, which means Parker started daycare. He loves it. Not sure if he's at the stage of interacting with other babies but he's lovin' all the new toys. (The note I got from the daycare last Friday was what he enjoyed watching the beachball that's attached to an overhead fan.)

Just so you get a hang of our new weekday schedule...I wake up at 5am. After I've gotten ready for work, I wake Parker by 6am to change and feed him. Then we're on the road by 6:30. Daycare by 7:30. And I'm at work by 8am. At the end of the day, I have to leave work by 5:15pm so I can get lil' P by 6pm. (Any later and I incur a $10 late fee every 10 minutes.) Parker and I get home around 6:45p and it's time for us to get the little guy ready for bed.

(BTW, as you can see from the picture, Parker likes his peas so now we've moved on to carrots.)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Oh, and one more thing...

Oh, and one more thing...
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
So much for "not much happening lately". I forgot to mention that, while the bottle is not truly a solo endeavor now, Parker's been working on it and yes, he takes it out for a test spin every now and then. He seems to handle the Avent/"on-the-go" bottles best. (The "at-home"/Doc. Brown bottles have too many parts to manage on the road.)

Rachael...Meet Parker

Rachael's in town from the UK so on Wednesday we (Me, Rachael, Parker, and yes...Frankie) had to take advantage of the great weather and headed for the beach. Unfortunately, since I had the stroller, we pretty much kept to the boardwalk. However, as you can see from the picture, we had a great time nonetheless.

(BTW, as you can also see from the pictures, Parker now loves to "kiss" people. I put "kiss" in quotes because for Parker, kissing is, at this time, placing an open mouth against your face.)

Cereal...Take 2

Cereal...Take 2
Originally uploaded by Car2nGrl.
By the way, Parker has added oatmeal to his repertoire. This weekend...we're schedule to give peas a chance. Stand by for photos, ala the Exorcist.

So what have we been doing the last week?

Well, not much. Parker's head is still big and Frankie is still fixated on playing fetch. And by the afternoon, we're all ready for a big nap.

Actually, it looks like I will be going back to work next week -- temping back at Consumer Products -- which got me researching daycares. HOLY CRAP! Not only is it expensive but it's REALLY hard to find a place that will watch an infant on a part time basis. Luckily, (keep your fingers crossed) I think I found a place that will take Parker while they're "full-timers" are still on maternity leave.

Now I'm trying to make the most of the time I have left with Parker. Who knows how long this "work thing" will last.